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"On the contrary, Mr O'Donaghan, I think all your demands are reasonable. Here is the money." Mr O'Donaghan took the three shillings. "Then, sir, and many thanks to you, I'll wish you a good evening, and Mr O'Rourke shall know from me that you have absolution for the whole, and that you have offered every satisfaction which one gentleman could expect from another."

I passed on, and having perambulated the city of Dublin for some time, returned to the hotel. A few minutes afterwards, I was told by the waiter that a Mr O'Donaghan wished to speak to me. "I have not the honour of his acquaintance," replied I, "but you may show him up."

"On the contrary, Mr O'Donaghan, I think all your demands are reasonable. Here is the money." Mr O'Donaghan took the three shillings. "Then, sir, and many thanks to you, I'll wish you a good evening, and Mr O'Rourke shall know from me that you have absolution for the whole, and that you have offered every satisfaction which one gentleman could expect from another."

So saying Mr O'Donaghan put his hat on with a firm cock, pulled on his gloves, manoeuvred his stick, and, with a flourishing bow, took his departure. I had hardly dismissed this gentleman, and was laughing to myself at the ridiculous occurrence, when Mr Cophagus returned, first putting his cane up to his nose with an arch look, and then laying it down on the table and rubbing his hands.

Mr O'Donaghan entered, a tall, thick-whiskered personage, in a shabby-genteel dress, evidently not made for him, a pair of white cotton gloves, and a small stick. "I believe that I have the honour of spaking to the gentleman who crossed over the street about two hours ago?"

A few minutes afterwards, I was told by the waiter that a Mr O'Donaghan wished to speak to me. "I have not the honour of his acquaintance," replied I, "but you may show him up." Mr O'Donaghan entered, a tall, thick-whiskered personage, in a shabby genteel dress, evidently not made for him, a pair of white cotton gloves, and a small stick.

So saying, Mr O'Donaghan put his hat on with a firm cock, pulled on his gloves, manoeuvred his stick, and, with a flourishing bow, took his departure. I had hardly dismissed this gentleman, and was laughing to myself at the ridiculous occurrence, when Mr Cophagus returned, first putting his cane up to his nose with an arch look, and then laying it down on the table and rubbing his hands.