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"I mass'd her for a sprained ankle a couple of years ago. She's got a lovely manner, but NO conversation. Some of my patients converse exquisitely," Mrs. Heeny added with discrimination. Undine was brooding over the note. "It IS written to mother Mrs. Abner E. Spragg I never saw anything so funny! 'Will you ALLOW your daughter to dine with me? Allow! Is Mrs. Fairford peculiar?"

For here the artillery was plying the briskest, pouring down volley on volley; and four regiments at least stood mass'd behind, ready to fall on the Cornish-men; who, answering with a small discharge of musketry, now ran forward more nimbly. To catch up with them, I must now turn my course obliquely up the hill, where running was pretty toilsome.

Here, children, I have heard your own dear father more than once repeat, as only he could, Byron's graphic lines: "Cypress and ivy, weed and wall-flower grown, Matted and mass'd together; hillocks heap'd On what were chambers, arch crushed, column strewn In fragments; choked-up vaults, and frescoes steep'd In subterranean damps, where the owl peep'd Deeming it midnight.

"Is in heaven these two years: and out of master's speaking distance forever. So blow out the light and follow me gently." Still feigning to shiver, I follow'd her down the ladder, and through the stable into the open. The wind by this time had brought up some heavy clouds, and mass'd them about the moon: but 'twas freezing hard, nevertheless.