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In this extremity he held a council with his pilot and seamen. "My lads," said he, "you see to what a necessity we are reduced. We must choose one of two things; either to resolve to be swallowed up by the waves, or put into queen Margiana's port, whose hatred to all persons of our religion you well know. She will certainly seize our vessel and put us all to death, without mercy.

We must now return to Behram's ship, which, after he had thrown prince Assad overboard, was soon surrounded on all sides by queen Margiana's squadron. The ship in which queen Margiana was in person first came up with him, and Behram, being in no condition of defence against so many, furled his sails as a mark of his submission.

Behram commanded prince Assad's chains to be taken off, and had him neatly habited like a slave, as became one who was to pass for his clerk before the queen of the country. They had scarcely time to do this, before the ship drove into the port, and dropped anchor. Queen Margiana's palace was so near the sea, that her garden extended down to the shore.

We must now return to Behram's ship, which, after he had thrown prince Assad overboard, was soon surrounded on all sides by queen Margiana's squadron. The ship in which queen Margiana was in person first came up with him, and Behram, being in no condition of defence against so many, furled his sails as a mark of his submission.

We must now return to Behram's ship, which was soon surrounded on all sides by queen Margiana's squadron, after throwing prince Assad overboard. Queen Margiana's ship, in which she was in person, first boarded; and Behram, being in no condition of defence against so many, lowered his sails as a token of yielding.

But, before I enter into the particulars of my miseries, which will strike horror into the hearts of all who hear them related, to explain the occasion of them, I must trace the matter a little higher, and begin with the source of my misfortunes. This preamble increased queen Margiana's curiosity.

This preamble increased queen Margiana's curiosity.

They had scarcely time to fit every thing for their purpose, before the ship drove into the port, and then dropped anchor. Queen Margiana's palace was so near the sea-side, that her garden extended down to the shore. She saw the ship sail by, and sent to the captain to come to her as soon as he had moored his vessel.

Behram commanded prince Assad's chains to be taken off, and had him neatly habited like a slave, as became one who was to pass for his clerk before the queen of the country. They had scarcely time to do this, before the ship drove into the port, and dropped anchor. Queen Margiana's palace was so near the sea, that her garden extended down to the shore.

As soon as Behram espied the ten ships of war, he made sure it was queen Margiana's squadron in pursuit of him; and upon that he ordered Assad to be bastinadoed, which he had done every day. He was much perplexed what to do, when he found he was surrounded. To keep Assad, was to declare himself guilty; to kill him was as dangerous, for he feared some marks of the murder might be seen.