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His manners have neither the cordiality of an Englishman nor the polish of a foreigner. To improve us in l'esprit de societe, he would introduce the whole system of French gallantry the vice without the refinement.

I wish him to come neuf to all those great and important questions, and examine them sans l'esprit de systeme, without prejudice and strong inclination to be of either side, but to investigate the truth, and adopt it. Il est fait pour raisonner; il commence etre d'un age ou le jugement acquerera tous les jours de la maturite. My love to him, I beg.

The volume, with its meticulous apparatus of analysis, definition, and classification, which gives it the air of being a parody of L'Esprit des Lois, is yet full of originality, of lively anecdote and keen observation. Nobody but Beyle could have written it; nobody but Beyle could have managed to be at once so stimulating and so jejune, so clear-sighted and so exasperating.

That an Englishwoman can be witty, or brilliant in conversation, the French either doubt or profess to doubt; but if convinced against their will they exclaim, "C'est drôle, mais madame a l'esprit éminemment français." Now this no Englishwoman has, or, in my opinion, can have; for it is peculiar, half-natural and half-acquired.

After this I read, from time to time, the most important of the other works of Bentham which had then seen the light, either as written by himself or as edited by Dumont. This was my private reading: while, under my father's direction, my studies were carried into the higher branches of analytic psychology. I performed the same process with Helvetius de L'Esprit, which I read of my own choice.

Some French friends of mine who knew both, said of Mr. Churchill, 'De l'esprit on ne peut pas plus meme a Paris, the highest compliment a Parisian can pay, but they allowed that Beauclerc had 'beaucoup plus d'ame." "Yes," said Helen; "how far superior!"

Of him Montesquieu could not have said, with even epigrammatic truth: Il a plus que personne l'esprit que tout le monde a. Voltaire was the cleverest of all past and present men; but a great man is something more, and this he surely was not. As poets, the two live not in the same hemisphere, not in the same world.

Joseph, also his intimacy with Charles's friend Bulkeley, who attended his death-bed, all seem rather to point to the author of 'L'Esprit des Lois. The philosophes, for a moment, seem to have expected to find in Prince Charlie the 'philosopher-king' of Plato's dream! The Prince's distinguished friends unluckily did not succeed in inspiring him with common sense.

Helvetius, too, fell into disfavor after the censure which his atheistic DE L'esprit brought upon him; and Baron d'Holbach was too apt to overstep the limits at which the hostess interfered with her inevitable "Voila qui est bien." Indeed, she assumed the privilege of her years to scold her guests if they interfered with the general harmony or forgot any of the amenities.

He remembered a painting which he had seen a long time ago in Montreal. It was L'Esprit de la Solitude The Spirit of the Wild painted by Conné, the picturesque French-Canadian friend of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, and a genius of the far backwoods who had drawn his inspiration from the heart of the wilderness itself.