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And, what's more, young man," he added, suddenly turning to the Expressman, "you'll express them trunks of hers through to Sacramento with your kempany's labels, and hand her the receipts and cheques for them, so she can get 'em there. That'll keep him outer temptation and the reach o' the gang, until they get away among white men and civilisation again.

I was mighty shook up, you bet! and to make the hull thing perfectly ridic'lous, when I got back to the road, after all I'd got through, darn my skin, ef thar warn't that pesky lot o' drunken men staggerin' along, jinglin' the scads they had won, and enjoyin' themselves, and nobody a-followin' 'em! I jined 'em jest for kempany's sake, till we got back to town, but nothin' happened."

They ain't bin tetched or handled by any one but the Kempany's agents; they ain't had a line or direction except them checks around their necks! And they've wanted for nothin' else. Why, I've carried heaps o' treasure before, gentlemen, and once a hundred thousand dollars in greenbacks, but I never carried anythin' that was watched and guarded as them kids!

"I didn't go with no Bill to help clear the road! I don't reckon TO go with no Bill to clear ANY road! I've just whittled this thing down to a pint, and it's this I ain't no stage kempany's nigger!

And, what's more, young man," he added, suddenly turning to the Expressman, "YOU'LL express them trunks of hers THROUGH TO SACRAMENTO with your kempany's labels, and hand her the receipts and checks for them, so she CAN GET 'EM THERE. That'll keep HIM outer temptation and the reach o' the gang, until they get away among white men and civilization again.

I see it all now: ye can't stand the kempany I brought ye to! Ye had to wipe the slum gullion of Eureka Gulch off your hands, Lacy" He stopped, gasped for breath, and then lifted his voice more savagely, "And now, what's this? Wot's this hogwash? this yer lyin' slander about his gettin' things on the kempany's credit? Eh, speak up, some of ye!"

Rowley and Walker, both fearless fighters and quick to resent an insult, only averted their saddened faces and turned aside without a word. "Ye dussen't say it! Well, hark to me then," he continued with white and feverish lips. "I put him up to helpin' himself. I told him to use the kempany's name for credit.