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But just as they were about to go aboard, the Toyman came to the shore. "What ho!" he said, then again, "what ho!" That sounded exciting not like a game at all, but like real life! And he was "saying some more," "Avast, me hearties, what's in the wind?" This last was a very odd question, for whatever could be in the wind, when you can see right through it and it can't hold anything at all.

Give way, my hearties, pull like Britons! we'll get that fish yet." We were all dreadfully done up by this time, but the sight of a boat fast to a whale restored us at once, and we pulled away as stoutly as if we had only begun the day's work.

And now, my hearties, we've done all we can for them for the present; so let's turn our attention to the celebration of the Maynard's Christmastide. Who wants to go to the station with me to meet Grandma and Uncle Steve?" "I!" declared the four children, as with one voice. "Yes, but you can't all go; and, too, there must be some of the nicest ones at home to greet the travellers as they enter.

"Clear away the boats," shouted the captain. "Masthead, ahoy! D'ye see that whale now?" "Ay, ay, sir. Thar she blows!" "Bear a hand, my hearties," cried the captain, as the men sprang to the boats which were swinging at the davits. "Get your tubs in! Clear your falls! Look alive, lads! Stand-by to lower! All ready?" "All ready, sir."

I was pretty well versed in nautical phraseology, though my practical experience of sea affairs was very limited; so, knowing that there was nothing like making a good impression at first, I turned round on them, and said quickly "Come, bear a hand, my hearties! You are sent up here to loose that topsail, I was sent to see you do it. You do your duty; I'll do mine."

Now, hearties, get her under water, and out to our luck once more." Within an hour the good ship Portobello had settled down to her doom, till she lay beside her murdered passengers upon the Caribbean sand, while the pirate barque, her deck littered with plunder, was heading northward in search of another victim.

But what was loss to the gulls was gain to the sharks, which could follow the carcass down into the deep and devour it at their leisure. "Now, lads," cried the mate, when the remains had vanished, "rouse up the fires, look alive, my hearties!" "Ay, ay, sir," was the ready reply, cheerfully given, as every man sprang to his appointed duty.

Potts climbed up, crying: 'Toilets complete! Now for paws out, and then at it, my hearties! Choice of corners under the leaden low cloud counted for little.

The keen wind of other days sounded in our ears, and yonder pressed the galleons of Spain! Youth, Youth and Adventure, were ours. We smiled not at all, therefore, as, with some thoughtful effort, it is true, we held to fitting manner of speech. "We seek for treasure," piped the thin voice of him I had heard called Jimmy. "Let none dare lift hand against us!" "And whither away, my hearties?"

As a mercantile clerk in the London office of a Hamburg firm the German was thrown into contact with the shippers of the African fleet, and had contracted a special alliance with the bibulous Miggs, who was a social soul in his hours of relaxation. "Come in, my hearties, come in!" he cried huskily. "Take a seat, Mr. Dimsdale.