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We rode on several miles, keeping away from villages, and then crossed the river. Our thirst was extreme. M had dreadful cramps, so that I had to hold him on the horse. I was very uneasy about him. The day before I saw the drummer's wife eating chupatties, and asked her to give a piece to the child, which she did. I now saw water in a ravine.

But in this state of mummy and melancholy survival of itself, when the hollow skin reverberates to the drummer's wrist, and each dub- a-dub goes direct to a man's heart, and puts madness there, and that disposition of the pulses which we, in our big way of talking, nickname Heroism: is there not something in the nature of a revenge upon the donkey's persecutors?

And for the co-operation of P. Blinders in the adroit little game by which the German drummer's refugee-widow who stayed at Kink's Hotel, and only went out after dark, had been relieved of a handsome sum, Van Busch had had to part with nearly one-third of the swag. No wonder he felt and talked like a robbed man.

After the recital of Madame Riano's wrongs at the hands of the Kings of England, Spain and France for she had something against the last two as well as the first, and complained that they had all treated her as if she were of no more account than the drummer's cat the conversation turned on Francezka. Madame Riano heard from her regularly.

"I'm thinking of going on." "And meanwhile?" "Meanwhile whatever comes." Billy Howland's face was radiant. "I had a date tonight and the lady threw me down. One of those drummer's wives that take in washing to add to the family income while hubby's flirting round the country. This hubby came home unexpectedly. I'm glad he did." He beamed with such whole-souled good-nature that Susan laughed.

"In this enlightened country one must earn one's bread as one can, but I wasn't brought up to the drummer's calling. Used to ride with but that has nothing to do with you, and I'm hoping you'll strike the railroad on the shortest possible line. It wouldn't be nice to spend to-night on the prairie."

They were not long domiciliated in their new dwelling, before they were informed that the drummer's wife had excited the envy of the queen, by wearing round her neck a smart gilt button, which had been given to her, and that was the only reason why they were not allowed to occupy their former lodgings in her house.

We made a large company, and I felt that trembling sensation which is common when the cap of a camera is about to be removed upon a group. "I should think," said the drummer's voice, "that you'd feel your knife and gun clean through that pillow." "I do," responded the Virginian. "I should think you'd put them on a chair and be comfortable." "I'd be uncomfortable, then."

"Such another word, and I will twist your head round till your eyes look at the drummer's handwriting on your back. Hold your peace, and don't bother our game with your gammon, or I will make you as mute as your bedfellow." The unhappy wretch, exhausted, sunk back beside his hideous companion, and the usual jargon of the game, interlarded with execrations, went on as before.

On my second day out, at Holton, Michigan, while sitting in the hotel, a traveling man remarked that the firm across the street was the best in the country to do business with, if a drummer could only manage to show his goods to them; but as they visited the Chicago market every two weeks they would not under any circumstances look at a drummer's goods.