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Next day Imam Din told me that the child was suffering slightly from fever and needed quinine. He got the medicine, and an English Doctor. "They have no stamina, these brats," said the Doctor, as he left Imam Din's quarters.

"O Allah, judge the dogs. They would kris the great Tuan as he slept the pariahs! but they forgot so mean a thing as Baboo!" The smell of warm blood filled the air, and a low snarl among the rubber-vines revealed the presence of a tiger. I felt Aboo Din's hand tremble on my shoulder. The five Sikhs were drawn up in battle array before the cabin door, waiting for the word of command.

Aboo Din's first-born, Baboo, was only four years old when he had his famous adventure with the tiger he had found sleeping in the hot lallang grass within the distance of a child's voice from Aboo Din's bungalow.

The cavalry soon found that they were upon a hot trail; and men, women, and children, who had been unable to keep pace with the flying Khalifa and Osman Digna, were picked up. Some of these, no doubt, had purposely given their master the slip. It was in that way that Abdullah's chief wife, the Sheikh Ed Din's mother, was caught and brought in by the "friendlies."

Both houses had a pretence of tidiness and comfort, particularly the Sheikh Ed Din's. There were paved courtyards, doors, windows with shutters, plastered walls, cupboards, benches, and ottomans. In each there were several rooms furnished in a rude style with articles of European manufacture. Of glass-ware, crockery, and large mirrors there was an abundance.

When he heard the King's command and saw the enemies make them ready to slay his old master's son, it was grievous to him: so he went out from before the Sultan and, mounting his beast, rode to Nur al- Din's house and knocked at the door. Nur al-Din came out and knowing him would have saluted him: but he said, "O my master this is no time for greeting or treating. Listen to what the poet said,

Next day Imam Din told me that the child was suffering slightly from fever and needed quinine. He got the medicine, and an English Doctor. 'They have no stamina, these brats, said the Doctor, as he left Imam Din's quarters.

Macdonald had marched out with the 11th Soudanese on his left, the 2nd Egyptians in the centre, and the 10th Soudanese on the right all in line. Behind, in column, were the 9th Soudanese. The last were at once brought up into line, to face the advancing enemy. Fortunately, the Sheik Ed Din's force was still some little distance away.

Occasionally, Gregory looked back to see if reinforcements were coming. Wauchope's brigade was visible over the tops of the scattered bushes. The movements of the line showed that they were coming on at the double, but they were farther away than Ed Din's host, and the latter were running like deer.

The Camel Corps came out to his assistance, and formed up some distance off on the right of the 11th Soudanese. Shells and showers of bullets from the Maxims on the gunboats drove back the rear lines of Sheikh Ed Din's men. Three battalions of Wauchope's got up to assist in completing the rout of the Khalifa.