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Breakfast was ready also; and it was hardly over before Dab's great new trunk was brought down into the front-door passage by a couple of the farmhands. "It's an hour yet to train-time," said Ham Morris; "but we might as well get ready. We must be on hand in time." What a long hour that was!

"Well, no, I don't think you could." "Why couldn't I?" "Because, well, because, most likely, you'd be too sea-sick by the time we got there." Just then a low, clear voice, behind Dabney, quietly remarked, "How smooth his hair is!" Dab's face turned red again. Annie Foster had heard it as distinctly as he had; and she walked right away with her mother, for fear she should laugh again.

"We'll all be warm enough before he gets through with us," said Dab. "But the sooner we get there, the better. Maybe there are other boys, and we must go in first." "Come on, Dick." Not one of them seemed to be in a hurry, in spite of Dab's prudent suggestion; and at the bottom of the stairs they were met by Mrs. Myers. "Going for your examination? That's right.

Dab and Ham were altogether too tired to take any pains there was no call for. Dab's mind must have been tired, as well as his body; for he decided to postpone until the morrow the report he had to make about the tramp. He was strongly of the opinion that the latter had not seen him to recognize him; and, at all events, the matter could wait.

Right down nice furniture it is too; but there's so much of it, I'm afraid the minister'll have to stand out in the front yard." "The house'll do for this time," replied Mrs. Kinzer. "There'll be room enough for everybody. What puzzles me is Dab." "What about Dab?" asked Ham. "Can't find a thing to fit him," said Dab's mother. "Seems as if he were all odd sizes, from head to foot."

"Now, don't you let one of the other boys touch the reins," said Mrs. Kinzer. Dab's promise to that effect proved a hard one to keep; for Fuz and Joe almost tried to take the reins away from him, before they had driven two miles from the house.

It'll be good for him to board in the same house with two such complete young gentlemen as the Hart boys." "Of course, Ham. And then, too, we'll feel sure of his having plenty to eat. There was almost too much on the table." "Not if the boarders had all been boys of Dab's age, and with his appetite. Mrs. Myers is evidently accustomed to provide for them, I should say."

Kinzer's good management, as well as for her hospitality. The only drawback to Dab's happiness that day was that his acquaintances hardly seemed to know him. He had had almost the same trouble with himself when he looked in the glass that morning. Ordinarily, his wrists were several inches through his coat sleeves, and his ankles made a perpetual show of his stockings.

Foster; and Ford added emphatically, "Indeed we do!" It was Dab's own mother's arms that had been around him from the instant he had stepped ashore, and Samantha and Keziah and Pamela had had to content themselves with a kiss or so apiece; but dear, good Mrs.

Dab's face grew redder, and he came near dropping a plate he held in his hand. "Vegetables? Oh, yes! Well, Ford, we might as well send them in now. I've got them all ready." Annie opened her eyes, and looked hard at her brother; for she knew very well that not so much as a potato had been thought of in their preparations.