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Then you didn't sit spellbound by the little history of the Due d'Enghien? Florentia. I sat yawning. Heavens, what a piece! Amicia. Upon my word I liked it. The last act made me cry. Dorriforth. Wasn't it a curious, interesting specimen of some of the things that are worth trying: an attempt to sail closer to the real? Auberon. How much closer? The fiftieth part of a point it isn't calculable.

Assassination of the Duke d'Enghien. I resided at Berlin on the Spree Quay, and my apartment was on the ground floor. One morning I was awoke at eight o'clock, and told that Prince Louis-Ferdinand was on horseback under my windows, and wished me to come and speak to him. Much astonished at this early visit, I hastened to get up and go to him.

Fox Complaints against the English Government Bonaparte and Lacuee Affectionate behaviour Arrest of Pichegru Method employed by the First Consul to discover his presence in Paris Character of Moreau Measures of Bonaparte regarding him Lauriston sent to the Temple Silence respecting the Duc d'Enghien Napoleon's opinion of Moreau and Georges Admiration of Georges Offers of employment and dismissal Recital of former vexations Audience of the Empress Melancholy forebodings What Bonaparte said concerning himself Marks of kindness.

The French nation, weary of revolutions, and recognising the extent to which Bonaparte was needed for the maintenance of good order, chose to forget what was odious in the affair of the Duc d'Enghien, and raised Bonaparte to the throne, by declaring him Emperor on May 25th, 1804. Almost all nations recognised the new sovereign of France.

It was impossible that things could go on much longer without disaster, and the death murder, rather of that gallant prince the Duc d'Enghien deprived me of a protector upon whom I could always rely. This, followed by an unfortunate duel, the circumstances of which will be detailed later, precipitated matters.

My mother, who was invited to take part in the ceremony, went to the Hotel de Conde, in a coach and six horses, to join Mademoiselle d'Enghien. When the procession was about to start the Duchesse de Chatillon tried to take precedence of my mother. But my mother called upon Mademoiselle d'Enghien to prevent this, or else to allow her to return.

He being asked his names, Christian names, age, and place of birth, in reply said "he was named Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon, Duc d'Enghien, born at Chantilly, the 2nd of August, 1772."

In all the manifestly criminal acts of his powerful career in the fatal resolves of his mistaken and culpable caprices, whether it was a question of the assassination of the Due d'Enghien or the brutal removal of the Pope from Rome Napoleon always chose his part in the complete isolation of his soul, and by the spontaneous act of a personal decision; he made sure of the execution of his will with minute precautions: he did not the less subsequently seek to throw back the responsibility of the acts themselves upon the instruments too ready to obey him.

In the present case Machiavelli's advice will find an easy application, since the Duke's death could be advantageous only to Bonaparte, who considered it indispensable to his accession to the crown of France. The motives may be explained, but can they be justified? How could it ever be said that the Due d'Enghien perished as a presumed accomplice in the conspiracy of Georges?

Eight days had scarcely passed since the execution of the Duc d'Enghien; the brothers of the First Consul were absent and discontented. Cambaceres was opposed to the projects which he had divined in the mind of Napoleon Bonaparte. In his place, Fouche, always eager to serve the man whose favor he courted, cleverly prepared the minds of the Senate.