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If there's any way of gettin' bogged, he'll find it, or invent a new way for himself." The blunder colt's mischief-making amounted to absolute genius. There was much of the enterprising puppy in his nature and in his methods. The impulse which seemed to direct the extremely uneven tenor of his way would have resolved itself orally into: "Do it and then see what happens!"

The horse's slender flanks quivered; his withers twitched with the nervous energy awaiting an outlet; the dog stood alert for the first motion. Resting one hand upon those sensitive withers the girl gave a quick spring, landing lightly as thistledown astride the colt's back, holding the halter strap in her firm, brown fingers.

So, sir, it is my duty to inform you that I myself own a Colt's .32, as well as a Maxim silencer." "What!" Dundee exclaimed incredulously. He was conscious that, behind him, Captain Strawn was getting to his feet. "There is no need to get out your handcuffs, Captain Strawn!" Judge Marshall warned him majestically. "I assure you that I have not violated the law.

I meant to run you down with that same old Colt's reliable. Oh, well, just as you say. No, those kids get a free pass. They're going out to meet papa at Los Angeles, boys. See?" Collins' running fire of comment had at least the effect of restoring the color to some cheeks that had been washed white and of snatching from the outlaws some portion of their sense of dominating the situation.

De Spain, reaching with his left hand under the lapel of his coat, took a Colt's revolver from its breast harness and laid it, the muzzle toward himself, on the plate-glass top of the cigar stand.

Two men then held the light carriage back; the halter was taken off the colt's neck; he shook his head for an instant, and, thinking himself free and without any impediments, began to advance. The men were scarcely holding the vehicle. He gave two little kicks, and then began to trot. Oh, it was only a very short trot.

Say, Daddy darling!" she swooped down upon him from the rear, slipping an arm about his neck as he knelt on the porch to collect his hooks and lines, "you are going to let me ride Prince, just this once, aren't you?" The Colonel gasped, partly from strangulation, and partly from amazement. "Prince!" he cried. "Well, I reckon not! That colt's hardly broken to the saddle.

And every summer at home his father added extension courses in the saddle and bridle, spur, hackamore and lariat to his education. He taught him to rope, throw and mark, to use a coffee pot and frying pan, and at last on the great day the Commencement day, so to say of the boy's frontier education he presented him with his degree a Colt's revolver and a box of cartridges and died.

'An' the pin-feather party exhibits a bullet wound in his left fore-arm, the same bein' about half healed. "'Colt's six-shooter, says Enright. "'That's straight, says the pin-feather party, buttonin' up his sleeve; 'you calls the turn. I wins out that abrasion pleadin' with the old gent. Which I tackles him twice. The first time he opens on me with his 44-gun before ever I ends the sentence.

"Put him in his stall," mumbled Pitkin. "To-morrow I'll see if I can get rid of him." It is a very stupid race horse which does not know its own stall. The stable hand released his hold on the halter and slapped the colt's flank. "G'long with yo'!" said he.