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The Cogia sees a purse full of money before him, up he gets, and saying, 'Our prayer has been accepted, he opens the purse, and, counting the altoons, finds that one is wanting. 'Never mind, says he, 'He who gives these can give one more, and takes possession of the money. The Jew now began to be in a fidget, and, getting up, knocked at the Cogia's door.

The Cogia, very much surprised, took the money for the cow, and went running to his house. The inspectors, however, coming, took away the Cogia's daughter, whereupon his wife said, 'O Cogia, do you stay a little. The inspecting matrons have been for the girl.

His wife coming, said, 'O Cogia, why have you acted in this manner? 'I would have over him, said the Cogia, 'if he had done so over me. One day the Cogia's wife, having washed the Cogia's kaftan, hung it upon a tree to dry; the Cogia going out saw, as he supposed, a man standing in the tree with his arms stretched out.

Once as Nasr Eddin Efendi was walking in Belgrade he cried out, 'O Lord! give me a thousand altoons, but if one be wanting I will not take the rest. Now these words of the Cogia were heard by a neighbour of his, a Jew, who, in order to try the Cogia, put nine hundred and ninety-nine altoons into a purse and flung it down the Cogia's chimney.

One day the Cogia's wife went with the wife of a neighbour to wash at a pool. It happened that the Governor of the country, who was taking a walk, came up and looked at them. Said the wife of the Cogia, 'Pray, man, what are you looking at? 'Who is that woman? said the Governor to some one who was standing by. 'She is the wife of Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi, replied the individual.

The accused man admitted that he had kept Ali Cogia's vase in his shop; but he denied having touched it, and swore that as to what it contained he only knew what Ali Cogia had told him, and called them all to witness the insult that had been put upon him. "You have brought it on yourself," said Ali Cogia, taking him by the arm, "and as you appeal to the law, the law you shall have!

One day some people said to the Cogia's son, 'What is padligean? 'It is a little deaf thing which walks without opening its eyes, said the child. 'It did not know that of itself: I taught it, said the Cogia. One day a chariot departed for the Castle of Siouri. The Cogia also set off for that place, running quite naked.

'I wish to God that he may find something, so that I may take it from him. One day the Cogia's wife said to him, 'Go and lie down yonder, a little way off. The Cogia, getting up, forthwith took his shoes in his hand, and walked during two days; at the end of which, meeting a man, he said, 'Go and ask my wife whether I have gone far enough, or must go yet farther.

One day the Cogia's wife, in order to plague the Cogia, boiled some broth exceedingly hot, brought it into the room and placed it on the table. The wife then, forgetting that it was hot, took a spoon and put some into her mouth, and, scalding herself, began to shed tears.

One day Cogia Efendi led a cow to the market for sale; backwards and forwards he led it, but was unable to sell it; presently a man advancing to the Cogia, said, 'Why do you hold this cow in your hand without selling it? Said the Cogia, 'I have led it about since the morning, and notwithstanding all the fine things that I have said about it I have been unable to sell it. The individual taking the cow from the Cogia's hand, began to walk it about, exclaiming, 'Who will buy a young girl six months gone with child? Forthwith buyers followed at his heels, and a very considerable sum was offered.