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And the sand on the glass sheet, he next became aware, was shifting, moving, dancing. He heard the tiny hissing and rattling of the dry grains. It was uncommonly weird. This visible and practical result made the clergyman's astonishing words seem true and convincing. That moving sand brought sanity, yet a certain curious terror of the unknown into it all. A minute later Mr.

She is now a faithful and trusted servant in a clergyman's family. A girl was some time ago discharged from a city hospital after an illness. She was homeless and friendless, an orphan, and obliged to work for her living. Walking down the street and wondering what she should do next, she met a girl, who came up to her in a most friendly fashion and speedily won her confidence.

As she entered, he just rose from his seat and pointed to the chair on which she was to sit. "Well, ma'am," said he; "what's all this about the clergyman's house at Hurst Staple? I don't understand it at all." "No, my lord; I'm sure your lordship can't understand. That's why I have thought it my duty to come all this way to explain it." "All what way?"

What he told me was brief and to the point He had obtained the clergyman's consent to read the will and was on his way to get it. "But, Mr. Barrows?" I inquired. "Is in the cellar there with mother." "The cellar!" I repeated. But he was already in the yard, on his way to the town. I was disturbed. The calmness of his tone had not deceived me. I felt that something was wrong; what I could not tell.

Suppose a woman has a hundred and fifty a year for her dress, and gives fifty dollars for a bonnet, she gives a third of her income, it is a horrible extravagance; while for the woman whose income is ten thousand it may be no extravagance at all. The poor clergyman's wife, when she gives five dollars for a bonnet, may be giving as much in proportion to her income as the woman who gives fifty.

I fancy that almost everything any of us offered them was published, though I never was let in to editorial secrets. The editors of both magazines were my seniors, and I felt greatly honored by their approval of my contributions. One of the "Offering" editors was a Unitarian clergyman's daughter, and had received an excellent education.

Farlow drew the "Inner Glimpses of French Life" appearing over her name in a leading New England journal: the Roumanian lady who had sent them tickets for her tragedy, an elderly French gentleman who, on the strength of a week's stay at Folkestone, translated English fiction for the provincial press, a lady from Wichita, Kansas, who advocated free love and the abolition of the corset, a clergyman's widow from Torquay who had written an "English Ladies' Guide to Foreign Galleries" and a Russian sculptor who lived on nuts and was "almost certainly" an anarchist.

What self-respecting heroine would abandon her husband and children for sin and a paltry five thousand a year? To the heroine of the past to the clergyman's daughter or the lady artist he was dangerous. The modern heroine misbehaves herself with nothing below Cabinet rank.

The best and quickest cure of all," he went on, speaking very gently and with a hand upon the clergyman's arm, "is to lead it towards its object, provided that object is not unalterably hostile to let it find rest where " He stopped abruptly, and the eyes of the two men met in a single glance of comprehension. "Joan?" Maloney exclaimed, under his breath. "Joan!" replied John Silence.

Blyth of your motherly kindness to that poor helpless child; and I am indeed proud to take your hand, and happy to see you here, as one who should always be an honored guest in a clergyman's house the doer of a good and charitable deed.