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"What became of the camel?" inquired Miss Wiggin, cherishing a faint hope that pop! it might suddenly appear again in the same way. "The police took it away last night lowered it out of the window with a block and tackle," answered the scrivener. "A sort of breeches buoy." "I've heard of camel's-hair shawls but not of camel's-hair breeches!" murmured Tutt.

Now I know you have been asleep for an hour." And, sure enough, there was n't anv camel's-hair shawl there, nor any uncle, nor were there any Hindoos at our windows.

It has also been observed an important fact when considered with the history of the frog's egg and the needle that "brushing" the unfertilised eggs of the silkworm and other moths, that is to say, gently polishing the little egg-shells with a soft camel's-hair brush, has the effect of starting development.

It was Polly's voice, as she closed the book. "There, I don't believe you have heard a word of it," she said half complaininglv. "Oh, yes, I have," I cried, starting up and giving the fire a jab with the poker; "I heard every word of it, except a few at the close I was thinking" I stopped, and looked round. "Why, Polly, where is the camel's-hair shawl?" "Camel's-hair fiddlestick!

Lord, I'd take a camel's-hair brush to you, knowin' how skittish and ticklesome you are, and do it so it would feel good.

The major's scalp's all gone; he hasn't enough fuzz on his head to make a camel's-hair pencil; he has a stake through his body, and he's been burnt until he is all doubled up in a hard knot; and, in my private opinion, it's mighty unlikely he'll ever be untied and straightened out again. If that doesn't fetch you, you must have a heart of stone." "I don't care anything about it, sir.

"I was about to protest again, when the paint-box came forward, and balancing itself in an artistic, undecided kind of way on two camel's-hair brushes which seemed to serve it for feet, addressed the Jack-in-a-box. "'Never dip your paint into the water. Never put your brush into your mouth " "'That's not evidence, said the Jack-in-a-box.

I would like to have her for a sister, that I might shield her and counsel her, and spend half my income on old threadlace and camel's-hair shawls. A greater misfortune could scarcely befall me than to love her. Flemming, I am about to make a revelation that will astonish you. I may be all wrong in my premises and consequently in my conclusions; but you shall judge.

"Friend Sidi ibn Thalabi," he said, "none of the good company here present, excepting only ourselves, has heard the story of the barber and the camel's-hair brush; will you therefore do us the favour to tell it?"

The rude tribe received us hospitably, and sent us milk and cheese in abundance. I visited the tent of the Shekh, who was very courteous, but as he knew no language but Turkish, our conversation was restricted to signs. The tent was of camel's-hair cloth, spacious, and open at the sides. A rug was spread for me, and the Shekh's wife brought me a pipe of tolerable tobacco.