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Balfour, "and most of my energies have been expended in political work, but if I have been fortunate enough to contribute, even in the smallest degree, to drawing closer the bonds that unite our two countries, I shall have done something compared with which all else that I may have attempted counts in my eyes as nothing." Balfour's kindly spirit.

Then came the year 'Forty-five, which made Scotland to be talked of everywhere; but I never heard it said we had anyway gained by the 'Forty-five. And now we come to this cause of Mr. Balfour's, as you call it. Sheriff Miller tells us historical writers are to date from it, and I would not wonder. It is only my fear they would date from it as a period of calamity and public reproach."

You all know the picture of the last state of the universe which evolutionary science foresees. I cannot state it better than in Mr. Balfour's words: "The energies of our system will decay, the glory of the sun will be dimmed, and the earth, tideless and inert, will no longer tolerate the race which has for a moment disturbed its solitude.

Martin's 'Styles' from a shelf, where that venerable work roosted with Stair's 'Institutions, Dirleton's 'Doubts, Balfour's 'Practiques, and a parcel of old account-books, opened the volume at the article Contract of Marriage, and prepared to make what he called a'sma' minute to prevent parties frae resiling.

Our tent consisted of our two selves, a Boab to guard the baggage, two Arabs to tend the horses and camels, and another Moor of all work, besides Captain Balfour's Maltese, called Michael. We had three camels for our baggage.

The roses lasted more than a week; then Miss Waite helped Cicely to gather up the petals as they fell, and together they packed them away in a little rose-jar, according to an old recipe that Miss Waite read out of her grandmother's time-yellowed note-book. Then Cicely brought Miss Balfour's note. "I want to preserve this, too," she said, dropping it in among the dried rose-leaves.

Too late he sees that his only chance of altering your course was to point out the right one. Dropping for once scenery and surroundings, let us at once plunge, as Horace advises, in medias res. The district in Mr. Balfour's time was pleasant and peaceable. Curiously enough its troubles commenced with the change of Government.

Large crabs were offered to me for one halfpenny each. Does this fact impress the usefulness of Balfour's railways? Here they are complete: Length in Balfour's Name. miles. contribution. Donegal and Killybegs 17-3/4 £115,000 Stranorlar and Glenties 24-1/2 116,000 On this line you run for twelve miles from Stranorlar without seeing a single cottage. There are none within sight on either side.

Balfour's house in Carlton Gardens. The detectives below-stairs remained for some time blissfully unconscious of what had happened. Then word reached them; and my husband, standing at the door to see a guest off, was the amused spectator of the rush in pursuit of two splendid long-legged fellows, who had, however, no chance whatever of catching up the Chief Secretary. Thirty years ago, almost!

He seemed to think that a settlement of the Land and National questions should go hand in hand, for the reason that if the Land Question were once disposed of the farmers would then settle down to a quiescent existence and have no further interest in the national struggle. Accordingly Mr Balfour's good intentions were fought and frustrated from two opposing sources.