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How gentle and wise he was, hundreds could testify from personal knowledge, and I too could perhaps say something I will only, however, give here the outward framework of Abdul Baha's life, and of his apostolic journeys, with the help of my friend Lotfullah. Abdul Baha was born on the same night in which His Holiness the Bāb declared his mission, on May 23, A.D. 1844.

How soon organizations arose for the care of the sick, and, in war-time, of the wounded, it would be difficult to say; for Buddhists and Hindus were of course earlier in the field than Muslims, inheriting as they did an older moral culture. We cannot help sympathizing with this, even though we think Abdul Baha's ideal richer and nobler than any as yet conceived by any Muslim saint.

Mirza Haydar 'Ali said: "Sometimes we have surface troubles, but that cannot touch our happiness. A friend, who has also been a guest in Abdul Baha's house, tells me that Haydar 'Ali is known at Akka as 'the Angel. He was born at the midnight following the day on which the Bāb made his declaration.

They seem to want a calendar of saints in the manner of the Positivist calendar. Bahai teaching will then escape the danger of being not quite conscious enough of its debt to the past. The day is not far off when the details of Abdul Baha's missionary journeys will be admitted to be of historical importance.