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We have lived together; let us die together." "You are right," said the Commandant. "Go, and equip Marie; there is no time to lose; tomorrow, at the dawn of day, she shall set out; she must have a convoy, though indeed there is no one to spare. Where is she?" "She is at Accoulina's," said his wife. "She fainted upon hearing that the fortress had been taken."

All was quiet and dark in the rest of the fortress. At the inn some lights were visible, and belated drinkers broke the stillness by their shouts. I glanced at Accoulina's house; the doors and windows were closed, and all seemed perfectly quiet there. I went to my room, and found Saveliitch deploring my absence. I told him of my freedom.

My heart was torn, and I cried aloud: "Marie! Marie!" I heard a rustle. Polacca, quite pale, came from her hiding-place behind the clothes-press. "Ah! Peter," said she, clasping her hands, "what a day! what horrors!" "Marie?" I asked impatiently, "Marie where is she?" "The young lady is alive," said the maid, "concealed at Accoulina's, at the house of the Greek priest." "Great God!"

Alexis was petrified with astonishment. Pougatcheff went off to inspect the fortress; Alexis followed him; I remained. I ran up to Marie's room. The door was closed. I knocked. "Who is there?" asked Polacca. I gave my name. I heard Marie say: "In an instant, Peter, I shall join you at Accoulina's." Father Garasim and Accoulina came out to welcome me.