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Banks's losses in the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads were as follows: Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. Cavalry Division . . . . 39 250 144 433 Cameron's " . . . . . 24 99 195 318 Landram's " . . . . . 28 148 909 1,085 Emory's " . . . . . 24 148 175 347 Staff of Nineteenth Corps 0 3 0 3 In all . . . 115 648 1,423 2,186 By Taylor the action is called the battle of Mansfield.

Income from personal service; salaries, wages; commission, bonuses, director's fees, etc $ 3,648,437,902 30.21 Income from business; business, trade, commerce, partnership, farming, and profits from sales of real estate, stocks, bonds, and other property 3,958,670,028 32.77

On another hill, some miles distant, and 648 feet high, I found shells of the Concholepas and Trochus, perfect, though very old, with fragments of Mytilus Chiloensis, all embedded in reddish-brown mould: I also found these same species, with fragments of an Echinus and of Balanus psittacus, on a hill 1,000 feet high.

It does not appear that he had anything to offer to his countrymen beyond the stately expression of party issues; and it was as a Federalist, pure and simple, that he was elected, in 1812, a member of the House of Representatives, after a keenly contested party conflict. His majority over the Republican candidate was 2,546, the whole number of voters being 34,648.

He bought horses he gave away jewels he made love to a marchioness of forty-two, who was very kind to him and very fond of ecarte he gambled he was in the high road to destruction. Perchance you say that gold's the arch-exceller, And to be rich is sweet? EURIP. Ion., line 641. * 'Tis not to be endured, To yield our trodden path and turn aside, Giving our place to knaves. Ibid., line 648

Vannack Avenue was pretty well up town, and we took the elevated train to reach it. "There is No. 648," said Mr. Harrison, pointing to a neat three-story brick building that stood in the middle of the block; "let us walk past first, and see if there is any name on the door." We did so, and found a highly polished silver plate bearing the words: MRS. AGATHA MITTS Boarding

The day following all the New York State men rendezvoused at 648 Broadway, and were mustered into the service of the United States by Lieutenant-colonel D. B. Sackett, of the regular army. At four o'clock P. M. we were ordered aboard a train of cars, and told that our destination was Camp Howe, near Scarsdale, twenty-four miles north of the city, between the Harlem and East rivers.

In opposition to this view stress has been laid on the fact that in Valerius Maximus, vi. 9, 13, Quintus Caepio is called patron of the senate; but on the one hand this does not prove enough, and on the other hand what is there narrated does not at all suit the consul of 648, so that there must be an error either in the name or in the facts reported.

This was the sixth quinquennial distribution which Harsha had held and the last, for he died in 648. He at first favoured the Hinayana but subsequently went over to the Mahayana, being moved in part by the exhortations of Hsüan Chuang. Yet the substance of Hsüan Chuang's account is that though Buddhism was prospering in the Far East it was decaying in India.

When this company failed, it was liable in the sum of $2,939,925.22 to 61,131 depositors. Dividends amounting in the aggregate to 62 per cent have been declared, and the sum called for and paid of such dividends seems to be $1,648,181.72. This sum deducted from the entire amount of deposits leaves $1,291,744.50 still unpaid.