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From the director of the Singapore zoo he purchased for considerably above the market price, a decrepit and somewhat moth-eaten tiger of advanced years, which he had transported across the straits to Johore, whence it was conveyed by bullock cart to a spot in the edge of the jungle, a dozen miles outside the town, where it was turned loose in an enclosure of wire and bamboo hastily constructed for the purpose.

With a fund of humour that was exhaustless, he went from cage to cage, giving to each animal the name of some member of the Royal Academy, or of one of his own intimate friends. On leaving Jamrach's he said to me, 'Suppose we make a day of it and go to the Zoo? I agreed, and we took a hansom as soon as we could get one and drove across London towards Regent's Park.

It is true that for a short time I felt as I imagine a python in a zoo feels when he is full of guinea-pigs sort of gorged, you know, and sluggish, and only tolerably uncomfortable. Then ensued the frightful denouement. It ensued almost without warning. At the time I felt absolutely positive that I was seasick. I would have sworn to it.

Seen in a cage at the Zoo, the British lion is a very conspicuous animal indeed; but spread at full length on a sandy patch or among bare yellow rocks under the Saharan sun, you may walk into his mouth before you are even aware of his august existence. The three other great desert beasts of Asia or Africa the ostrich, the giraffe, and the camel are less protectively coloured, for various reasons.

One was an eastern and a writer of merit: the other, being a western, was of course only an amusing barbarian. He is said to have invented the electric hedge. I consider that in using it on me you have taken a very great liberty. ZOO. What is a liberty? ZOO. No: even you can tell me things I do not know. Havnt you noticed that all the time you have been here we have been asking you questions?

As we re-entered the prison we were greeted with a deafening yell. It came from the caged British prisoners. "Hullo, boys! What cheer, Mahoney!" they shrieked. "Have they dished you again? Thought you were going home? Well, we're mighty pleased to see you back at the 'Zoo'!" and there was another wild exhibition of simian acrobatics upon the bars for our especial amusement.

Then in his spare hours, with scissors and paper, he would cut out striking resemblances of the most noted animals in the Zoo, and these elephants and tigers, monkeys and bears were "hung" by his admiring brothers with due honour on a large looking-glass in the schoolroom, there to amuse the juvenile friends of the family.

I wanta take a walk and get something to eat. I'm hungry again!" An hour later, showered and dressed in fresh uniforms, the Polaris crew began a tour of the city. They went to the zoo and saw dinosaurs, a tyrannosaurus, and many other monsters extinct on Earth millions of years ago, but still breeding in the jungles of Tara.

"Beg pardon, Mr Frank," whispered Sam, coming close to his side. "Am I to ride one of them long-legged things?" "Yes, of course. You're not afraid?" "Afraid, sir? Not me. I've rid most everything, and I meant to have gone up to the Zoo for a lesson in camels, only there warn't time. I'm not afraid, and I'm going to do it, but I do begin to feel as if I ought to be tied on."

We depend upon you, you know, to keep a close watch upon him." "He becomes more difficult to handle each day," replied Mr. Philander, with a sigh and a shake of his head. "I presume he is now off to report to the directors of the Zoo that one of their lions was at large last night. Oh, Miss Jane, you don't know what I have to contend with." "Yes, I do, Mr.