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I hae a wife and twa wee laddies, They maun hae brose and brats o' duddies; Ye ken yoursel's my heart right proud is I needna vaunt, But I'll sned besoms thraw saugh woodies, Before they want. This was nobly said; and the poet spoke from the heart.

What hae ye to say for yoursel's in answer to this charge?" "I deny it in toto. And I think it infamous that I should be called to answer such an insulting charge," said the viscount with a fine assumption of virtuous indignation. "And sae do I think it infamous; I agree wi' ye there, lad! But as to whilk pairty the infamy attaches to, there we may differ," said the magistrate, nodding.

"Maw be," said the gaffer this time with a thrilling effect, which restored his reputation, "maw be some o' ye ha' been getting drunk, and making beestises o' yoursel's!" There was a dead pause, for this suggestion applied too generally to be met with a solitary response. At last one of the women said, with a meaning glance at her husband,

When the story was ended Harrison asked, in a curious low voice that seemed shaken by some strange emotion, "And so ye'll be for letting out Mr. Neeven's prisoners instead o' shutting up your ain? Weel, my boys, tak care that ye dinna find yoursel's in a trap, as mony a wild fellow o' a sea-rover has found himsel' in times past.

Whether it was the speaking, or the sympathy of numbers, or some special influence of the Holy Ghost, I know not; but suddenly Andrew lifted his noble old head and spoke thus: "Frien's, ye hae some o' you said ill things o' yoursel's, but to the sons o' God there is nae condemnation; not that I hae been althegither faultless, but I meant weel, an' the lad was a wilfu' lad, and ye ken what the wisest o' men said anent such.

"Maw be," said the gaffer this time with a thrilling effect, which restored his reputation, "maw be some o' ye ha' been getting drunk, and making beestises o' yoursel's!" There was a dead pause, for this suggestion applied too generally to be met with a solitary response. At last one of the women said, with a meaning glance at her husband,