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"'Tain't every married women'd tackle a strange horse that way, especially if she'd never ben on one. An' I ain't forgot that you're goin' to have a saddle animal all to yourself some day a regular Joe dandy." The Abalone Eaters, in two rigs and on a number of horses, descended in force on Bierce's Cove. There were half a score of men and almost as many women.

It was an escape most women'd gone down on their knees and thanked their Maker for. "But what did this woman do my wife, the woman I misused and beat and dragged down in the mud with me?

I believe most women'd rather live with a man that'd killed somebody than one that was stingy. And then Mary never was used to anything of that kind, for her father, old man Jerry Crawford, was one o' the freest-handed men in the county.

"If more girls talked and thought that way, us women'd have fairer shakes," Miss Lavender remarked, as she put on her cloak and pattens. When she reached the top of the hill overlooking the glen, she noticed fresh furrows in the field on her left. Clambering through the fence, she waited until the heads of a pair of horses made their appearance, rising over the verge of the hill.

"Hit's so 'bout them women!" Buck protested. "If a man'd mind his business, an' not try to mind their business, women'd be plumb amusin'," Slip laughed. "Wait'll yo've had experience," Buck retorted. "Shucks! Ain't I had experience?" "Eveh married?" "No-o." "Eveh have a lady sic' yo' onto some'n bigger'n yo' is?" "No-o; reckon I pick my own people to scrap." "Theh!

"Ah," said Mr. Hennessy, the simple democrat. "It wud be all r-right if women'd do their own cookin'." "Well," said Mr. Dooley. "'Twud be a return to Jacksonyan simplicity, an' 'twud be a gr-reat thing f'r th' resthrant business." "It looks like war," said Mr. Hennessy, who had been glancing at the flaming head-lines of an evening paper over Mr. Dooley's shoulder. "It always does," said Mr.

"Not many women'd tackle that," Dick said quietly, as Mountain Lad, easily retaining his horizontal position once it had been attained, swam to the lower end of the tank and floundered up the rough slope to the anxious cowboy. The latter swiftly adjusted the halter with a turn of chain between the jaws.

"I've noticed that you are getting too swell to patronize us fellows," said he, his shrewd smile showing that my polite excuse had not fooled him. "Well, Matt, you're right you always did have good sound sense and a steady eye for the main chance. I used to think the women'd ruin you, they were so crazy about that handsome mug and figure of yours.

It was an escape most women'd gone down on their knees and thanked their Maker for, and blessed the day they'd been freed from a blackguardly drunken brute. "But what did this woman do my wife, the woman I misused and beat and dragged down in the mud with me?