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"Do I got to starve, Mr. Who's-this I lost your card just because I was fool enough to take up your proposition yesterday? I should of known better in the first place." "But this here young feller, Mr. Federmann, got detained uptown," Zudrowsky explained. "His wife got took suddenly sick." "Why, she may have to have an operation," Noblestone said in a sudden burst of imaginative enthusiasm.

"So, Abe," he commenced, "you are giving to a Schnorrer like Geigermann a genu-ine who's-this violin, which it is worth three thousand dollars!" "How should I know it is worth three thousand?" Abe said. "Everybody knows that one of them genu-ine feller's violins is worth three thousand dollars," Morris thundered. "I'm surprised to hear you, you should talk that way."

"Well, for that matter, Abe, if we found such a feller, we could send him up there to say that he hears from you that you are giving away such a Who's-this fiddle to Geigermann, and that the feller would like to buy it off of him." "And then, Mawruss?" Abe asked.

Furthermore, Abe, he says that if anybody's got a genu-ine who's-this fiddle, he wouldn't let it go for no hundred and twenty-five dollars, and the chances is you are paying a fancy figure for a cheap popular-price line of fiddles." Abe hung up his hat so violently that he nearly knocked a hole in the crown.