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Now, there's more than one way of joining a circus, but the best way is to wait on your front steps with your things all packed up, and the procession comes along at about one o'clock in the morning and picks you up. Which'd you rather do?" Pony pushed his toe into the turf, as he always did when he was ashamed, but he made out to say he would rather wait out on the front steps.

"Which'd yo' rather git to play, Parson?" someone asked, slyly. "Cyards er bones er pull-sticks?" "I've a friend down yeah, gentlemen." The Prophet ignored the insult. "His mother wants him. She's afeared likely he mout forget, since he was jes' a boy friendly and needing friends.

The rest picks up stones, and gives it us right away till we gets out of shot, the young gents holding out werry manful with the pea-shooters and such stones as lodged on us, and a pretty many there was too. Then Bob picks hisself up again, and looks at young gent on box werry solemn. Bob'd had a rum un in the ribs, which'd like to ha' knocked him off the box, or made him drop the reins.

Shorty read a few words, got red in the face, whistled softly, crumpled the tract up, and threw it away. "On the Sin of Dancing," Shorty yelled with laughter. "Me dance with these hoofs! And he thinks likely mortification'll set in, and I'll lose 'em altogether. Well, he oughter be harnessed up with Thompson's colt. Which'd come out ahead in the race for the fool medal?

Now, there's more than one way of joining a circus, but the best way is to wait on your front steps with your things all packed up, and the procession comes along at about one o'clock in the morning and picks you up. Which'd you rather do?" Pony pushed his toe into the turf, as he always did when he was ashamed, but he made out to say he would rather wait out on the front steps.

If a man was as brave as he is, now, he'd well, that's the trouble he wouldn't last very long in this country. I used to wonder sometimes which'd go first me or Tom. The sheepmen was after me, and their dogs was after Tom. But I'm afraid poor Tommy is elected; this is a dam' bad country for cats."

Coming nearer, her eyes searched his face which was still turned to the ground, and she whispered: "Which'd be worse, Brent: goin' away married an' without love, or unmarried an' with love?" He looked up in surprise: "The world wouldn't talk if we were married!" "Don't you believe it, Brent," she said quietly. "The world 'd talk if you married a girl like me, moh'n it would if you didn't.

Then followed an excited burst of reason and flow of words from which Denman could only gather a few disjointed phrases: "Dead easy, Jenkins Run close and land Casey's brother Can hoof it to Might get a job, which'd be better Got a private code made up Don't need money Can beat his way in My brother has a wireless Take the dinghy; we don't need it I'll take the chance if you have a life-buoy handy Chance of a lifetime Who wants beach combing in Africa You see, he'll watch the financial news I'll stow away in her I tell you, Jenkins, there'll be no killing.

Only trouble is there are so many different ways of spillin' the beans that we're takin' a chance no matter what we do. Answer me this, David: if you had to point out one person right now as the guilty one which'd you choose?" Carroll shook his head. "You know I don't like to answer questions of that sort." "But you can tell me " "No-o.

He's the one that ran them Nebraska farmers off'm the Mary Mattock down yander: give 'em notice that he was goin' to sink on them upper claims o' his'n at the gulch head, and that his sump water'd have to be turned loose to go where it had a mind to which'd be straight down the gulch, o' course.