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Her nap was also broken at intervals like the fabled slumbers of Friar Bacon, by the dropping of the other patten, and of the umbrella. But when she had got rid of those incumbrances, her sleep was peaceful. The two young men looked at each other, ludicrously enough; and Martin, stifling his disposition to laugh, whispered in John Westlock's ear, 'What shall we do now? 'Stay here, he replied.

'It's the only way of preventing them from getting stopped up. You'll find the lock go the better, too, I dare say, for a little oil. Tom thanked him; but was too much occupied with his own speculations, and John Westlock's looks, to be very talkative. In the meantime Mr Fips opened the door, which yielded to his hand very unwillingly, and with a horribly discordant sound.

Tom looked up, in surprise, and saw John Westlock close beside him, holding out his hand. 'John! cried Tom. 'John! 'Dear Tom, said his friend, 'give me your hand. We are brothers, Tom. Tom wrung it with all his force, embraced his sister fervently, and put her in John Westlock's arms. 'Don't speak to me, John. Heaven is very good to us.

After looking at John Westlock's chambers, and devoting a few spare minutes to the Boar's Head, they issued forth again to the place of meeting. The time agreed upon had not quite come; but Mr Fips was already at the Temple Gate, and expressed his satisfaction at their punctuality.

'I hope, repeated John, 'that you have time to find another assistant? 'Which short it is, indeed, cried Mrs Gamp, turning up her languid eyes, and clasping Mr Westlock's wrist with matronly affection. 'To-morrow evenin', sir, I waits upon his friends. Mr Chuzzlewit apinted it from nine to ten. 'From nine to ten, said John, with a significant glance at Martin.

Ah, but it would have been a good thing to have had a coat of invisibility, wherein to have watched little Ruth, when she was left to herself in John Westlock's chambers, and John and her brother were talking thus, over their wine!

They'll be soaring out of sight soon, Martin, and leaving all the rest of us leagues behind. 'Aye! But I may be a little changed, said Martin, 'since you knew me pretty well, Tom. 'What nonsense! exclaimed Tom. 'Why should you be changed? You talk as if you were an old man. I never heard such a fellow! Come to John Westlock's, come. Come along, Mark Tapley.

There's nothing short of goin' to the U-nited States for a second trip, as would make it at all creditable to be jolly, arter seein' you again! Tom laughed, and taking leave of his sister, hurried Mark and Martin out into the street, and away to John Westlock's by the nearest road; for his hour of business was very near at hand, and he prided himself on always being exact to his time.

Therefore he allowed him to take his own course; which was such a gloomy one, that he felt a load removed from his mind when they parted company at the gate of Furnival's Inn. It was now a couple of hours past John Westlock's dinner-time; and he was walking up and down the room, quite anxious for Tom's safety. The table was spread; the wine was carefully decanted; and the dinner smelt delicious.

He was a learned man, and knew the flavour of John Westlock's private sauces, which he softly and feelingly described, as he handed the little bottles round. He was a grave man, and a noiseless; for dinner being done, and wine and fruit arranged upon the board, he vanished, box and all, like something that had never been. 'Didn't I say he was a tremendous fellow in his housekeeping? cried Tom.