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And then the would-be poet continued: "The sun comes up and it is morn, The farmer goes to plow his corn, The watchdog, watching through the day, Keeps ev'ry tramp and thief away." And be it night or be it day " "The watchdog's there, and there to stay!" continued Tom, and then on: "The watchdog, watching in his sleep, Catches each flea and makes him weep!"

We knew that sure eyes watched them from the reef; no lads' playing at the length of a watchdog's chain, kept more surely from the dog's teeth than those night-birds from the gun's range. Shots they fired wild, reckless shots, skimming the water, peppering the sky, whistling in the clear air above us.

She didn't want to be called to the telephone, ever, except on matters of professional business by her Ravinia colleagues. All of this, John pointed out, could be accomplished at home. He, himself, could deal with the telephoners and the tourists. This was about all apparently that he was going to be good for this summer; but a watchdog's duties he could perform in a highly efficient manner.

The watchdogs of each farm have given warning, and the whole countryside is eager with vociferation. Men say the Sleepless Watchdog's bark is worse than his bite. This may be, but it is certain that his feed is worse than both bark and bite together. In the language of economics, the Sleepless Watchdog is an unremunerative investment.

I can recall still, and most vividly, the sunlight streaming into the Great Parlour window, as I opened the great iron-sheathed shutters. Till breakfast-time I lolled on the big sofa, mouthing to myself explosive couplets from Don Juan. I am proud to say that, though I liked, as a boy should, the sentimentalism of the stanzas which begin 'Tis sweet to hear the watchdog's honest bark

Dear country home, where every sound is ministry; the morning cock and cackling hen, the birds' hopeful morning song, the twittering swallow, noon's rest and healthy appetite, the lowing cattle, the birds' thankful evening note, the village bell old curfew's echo, the pattering on the pane, the wind in the treetops, the watchdog's distant bark for lullaby, and quiet restful sleep; his greatest sports those of the evening village-green the apple bee, the husking, and the weekly singing-school.

"'Tis sweet to hear the watchdog's honest bark Bay deep-mouth'd welcome as we draw near home, 'Tis sweet to know there is an eye will mark Our coming, and look brighter when we come." Embarking on its tributary stream, Delme reached the Rhine passed through the land of snug Treckschut, and wooden-shoed housemaid and arrived at Rotterdam, whence he purposed sailing for England.

McKay, all-seeing, decided to wash Rand's face for him before journeying much farther. But Rand himself gave no sign that he either knew or cared what the feeling of the Mayorunas might be. Utterly impassive, he stared back at them. Then one of the women pointed at him and said something to Tucu. The tall watchdog's jaw set a little harder as he waited the effect.

Save thy breath, good doctor, to cool thy dainty broth; for, mad with pride, thy master hears nor heeds the gabble of the goose beneath his walls, nor the watchdog's warning. Gnaw thy bone in peace, for the people, schooled to patience and amused with panaceas, will scarce resent the trampling of one more parvenu upon their necks, be she ever so broad of beam.