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Bright as an angel from Walhalla's hall, More beautiful than aught of earth was he! Heaven-mild his look, as sunbeams when they fall, Reflected from a calm cerulean sea. His warm embrace oh, ravishing delight! With heart to heart the fiery pulses danced Our every sense wrap'd in ecstatic night Our souls in blissful harmony entranced. His kisses oh, what paradise of feeling!

For the dawn is now breaking of the end of the gods! Thus do I hurl a burning brand into Walhalla's flaunting citadel!" She sets fire with these words to the pyre, which rapidly blazes up. Wotan's ravens are seen slowly flapping off toward the horizon.

HECTOR. Longing and thought yes, all I feel and think May in the silent sloth of Lethe sink, But my love not! Hark, the wild swarm is at the walls! I hear! Gird on my sword Beloved one, dry the tear Lethe for love is not! Angel-fair, Walhalla's charms displaying, Fairer than all mortal youths was he; Mild his look, as May-day sunbeams straying Gently o'er the blue and glassy sea.

We saw thee with thy streaming bloody hair, With fiery eye, bright with the world's despair, Sweep by Walhalla's bards from out our sight. Herrman outspake "Now Victory or Death!" The Romans, . . . "Victory!" And onward rushed their eagles with the cry. So ended the FIRST day.

Indignation possesses her at the bare notion of the exchange proposed to her, out of all reason and proportion: Siegfried's love, of which his ring is the symbol, for Walhalla's and the world's peace! "Ha! do you know what the ring is to me? How should you grasp it, unfeeling maid?