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At the beginning of the Empire, officers, trained in the wars of the Revolution by incessant fighting, possessed great firmness. No one would wish to purchase such firmness again at the same price. But in our modern wars the victor often loses more than the vanquished, apart from the temporary loss in prisoners.

As O'Connell fought he remembered every blow of the first fight when, weak and unskilful, he was an easy prey for his victor. "That's for the one ye gave me two years ago, Martin Quinlan," cried O'Connell, as he closed that youth's right eye, and stepped nimbly back from a furious counter.

An old story thirty years ago. Thank God for all His goodness to me'! Although I have suffered much from ill health, and in many ways, I am still as active as any man in the regiment, and quite as able as the youngest to go through fatigue." Let us just glance at the way this victor in a hundred fights regarded the approach of death.

Napoleon, the victor of so many battles, the man before whom all Europe trembled, all the kings of the world bowed in reverence and admiration; he who, with a wave of his hand, had overturned and founded dynasties, was now forced to witness all this compelled to suffer and endure like any ordinary mortal!

Sir Bors and his companions had seen this battle at a distance, but it was all over before they could reach the scene of fray. High was their praise of the valor and prowess of the victor, who, they said, had done such a deed as they had deemed only Lancelot could perform. They invited him with knightly warmth and courtesy to go with them to their lodging.

I must, however, tell you that your sister's boldness is such that I think even you would hardly come off victor in this contest, especially as, since you were here, she has made great progress both in the arts of horsemanship and of hunting.

Get out of it now by a gentleman's honor." Behind the speech was Lloyd Fenneben himself, sympathetic, firm, upright, before whom the harshness of Victor Burleigh's face slowly gave place to an expression of sorrow. "My boy," Fenneben said gently, "Nature gave us the Walnut Valley with its limestone ledges and fine forest trees.

On this point Metternich strove hard to bend Napoleon's will, but received as a final answer: "Then war is unavoidable." In fact, the victor knew that Austria was in his power. The Archduke Charles had thrown up his command, the soldiery were depressed, and a great part of the Empire was in the hands of the French.

"Will you not give us some of your own, Madame?" inquired the painter, stepping back from his canvas to get a better view of his work. "Oh, mine are very simple," answered Donna Tullia. "Victor Emmanuel, Garibaldi, and a free press." "A combination of monarchy, republicanism, and popular education not very interesting," remarked Gouache, still eyeing his picture.

"No wonder," said Lambert. "There have been so many strange incidents and hairbreadth escapes during the flood that we won't likely hear about them all for many a day to come." "But what about the house on fire?" asked Victor; "was any one in it?" "No, it was only a house that had been left somewhat hastily by its owners, who must have forgot to put out the fire or capsized something over it.