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Moved by the remembrance of his friend, and by the sad beauty of his own poetry, his eyes were filled with tears, and when he had done reciting the stanzas he said, in a tone of touching simplicity,'Ditemi il vero, si puo air meglio'? I answered that he alone had the right to believe it impossible.

Ex quo vero fines Turcorum inuasimus, bella quidem primum frequentia concrepabant, et agmina Turcorum cum exercitibus imperij nostri vndique dimicabant. Sed Dei gratia ex toto a nostris in fugam vertebantur barbari.

E vero? And slowly she rubbed his head, slowly and with ironic indifference. 'Does he understand Italian? said Ursula, who knew nothing of the language. 'Yes, said Hermione at length. 'His mother was Italian. She was born in my waste-paper basket in Florence, on the morning of Rupert's birthday. She was his birthday present. Tea was brought in. Birkin poured out for them.

See how the composers who have been the most original have been the ones who have laid the surest foundation for permanent fame. Here again true originality has been merely the highest form of self-expression. Non ê vero? When the composer has sought originality and contrived to get it by purposely taking out-of-the-way methods, what has he produced?

"There is no accounting for taste, signora. You were frightened out of your wits, and with your cousin you crouched down in the corner of the cabin. Let me examine that little line closer. You had yes, it's no mistake you had very little clothes on." Agnes tore away her hand and covered her face. "E vero, e vero; Holy Jesus! how could you know that?"

She is saying to that old gentleman, 'Sir, I am extremely grateful and may Saint Nicholas bless you for it for your very great kindness in having, the day before yesterday, at your sumptuous entertainment, made me so deliciously drunk!" "You are witty, Monsieur," said I, smiling. "/Se non e vero e ben trovato/."

"At all events, you have done what is right so do not reproach yourself," said Basile. "Everybody I mean everybody who is good for anything must respect, admire, and love you, Victoire." "Ne mal cio che v'annoja, Quello e vero gioire Che nasce da virtude dopo il soffrire."

"It is n't half so extraordinary as it would be if it were true, my dear," said the Duchessa. "Oh? Non e poi vero?" murmured Emilia, and her eyes darkened with disappointment. Peter meanwhile was looking at the snuffbox, which the priest still held in his hand, and admiring its brave repousse work of leaves and flowers, and the escutcheon engraved on the lid.

Oh! Consul Cicero! this is no calamity from which one extricates one's self with periphrases, quemadmodum, and verum enim vero!" He dressed himself sadly. An idea had occurred to him as he laced his boots, but he rejected it at first; nevertheless, it returned, and he put on his waistcoat wrong side out, an evident sign of violent internal combat.

"No, signore," said Gaspare. "When we are very old, when we cannot dance any more non è vero, Amedeo? then we will go to Paradiso." "Yes," agreed the tall boy, quite seriously, "then we will go to Paradiso." "And I, too," said Maurice; "and Maddalena, but not till then." What a long time away that would be! "Here is the ristorante!"