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Cecil, he keeps one down at his place a bit down de road." "Cecil!" Stuart had to control himself to keep from shouting the name. "Has he a place on this coast?" "Yes, Sah; fine place, Sah, pretty place. Awful nice man, Mr. Cecil. He'll lend you de boat, for nuffin', likely. Brother Fliss, good man, you un'erstand, but he stick close to de money."

West grinned up at the officer, his yellow canines showing like tusks. His matted face was an unlovely sight. In it stark, naked fear struggled with craftiness and cruelty. "Good you came back good for you. I ain't blind. I been foolin' you all along. Wanted, to try you out. Now we'll mush. Straight for the big lake. North by west like we been going. Un'erstand, Stomak-o-sox?

She tried to slip by him and he thrust her back. "Let me go!" she demanded. "At once!" "You're not gonna go," he told her flatly. "You'll stay here with me. For keeps. Un'erstand?" "Have you gone crazy?" she asked wildly, her heart fluttering like a frightened bird in a cage. "Don't you know my father will search the whole country for me?" "Too late. We travel south soon as it's dark."

I's er scoundul, you know." "Do you want me to mash your head?" Kintchin put his hand to his head. "Whut, dis one right yere? No, suh, I doan blebe I does." "Well, then answer me. That woman and young chap here yet?" "Yas, suh, da's yere." "She's his aunt, I understand." "Yas, suh, dat's whut you un'erstand." "Why did they come here? What are they doin'?" "Gimmy time.

You're disgustingly and insultingly drunk." "Not too drunk talk to you," insisted Anthony with a leer. "Firs' place, my wife wants nothin' whatever do with you. Never did. Un'erstand me?" "Be quiet!" said the older man angrily. "I should think you'd respect your wife enough not to bring her into the conversation under these circumstances." "Never you min' how I expect my wife.

His face was expressionless as a blank wall. West repeated the question. He might have been talking to a block of wood for all the answer he received. His crafty, cruel mind churned over the situation. "Won't talk, eh? We'll see about that. You got her hid somewheres an' I'm gonna find where. I'll not stand for yore Injun tricks. Drop that gun an' marchê-back to the cabin. Un'erstand?"

Then the rest laughed and took seats, but Brann remained standing near Albert's chair. He had not finished yet. "I'm mighty glad yeh don't lay it up against me, Lohr; an' I want 'o say the doctor's bill is all right; you un'erstand, it's all right." Albert looked at him a moment in surprise.

He would break off to laugh foolishly, in a high-pitched note of derision at himself. "Stand up, Dick Gordon, and hear the lady tell you what a coyote you are. Stan' up and face the music, you quitter. Liar ... spy ... cheat! That's you, Dick Gordon, un'erstand?" Or the sick mind of the man would forget for the moment that they had quarreled.

"Did the dern Dago bluff me, does he want more, er did he reely didn't un'erstand fer honest?" Then, as he took up his way, crossing the street at the warning of some red and green smallpox lanterns, "I'll git those seven votes, though, someway. I'm out fer a record this time, and I'll git 'em!" Bertha went with her fiance to select the home that was to be theirs.

You never have a single cent left when I come home candy and ice-cream sodas, and matinées, and dresses, and everything you can think of. If it ain't one thing, it's another. Well, you'll either save from now on " "Look here! What do you mean, working off your grouch on " " or else you won't have anything to spend, un'erstand?