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Albinus, homines consulates, nostri fere aequales, deplorare solebant, tum quod voluptatibus carerent, sine quibus vitam nullam putarent, tum quod spernerentur ab eis, a quibus essent coli soliti; qui mihi non id videbantur accusare, quod esset accusandum.

"It goes through me to this day. I used to sing it frequent in my 'teens, along with another popular favourite which was quite at the other end of the social scale, but artless 'My Mother said that I never should Play with the gypsies in the wood. If I did, She would say, Tum tiddle, tum tiddle, tum-ti-tay' my memory is not what it was." Mrs Bowldler wiped her eyes.

Subj. after donec. Cf. note, G. 37: affectavere. Reponere odium. See lexicon under repono for this phrase. Impetus exercitus. Until the freshness of his glory, and his popularity with the army should gradually decline. Etiam tum obtinebat, i.e. he was still in possession of the government, and of course in command of the army, in Britain. XL. Triumphalia ornamenta. Dr. Illustris statuae.

"Then was it your trunk that you picked me up in?" asked Don, of the elephant. "Yes," replied Tum Tum, "and I am sorry if I frightened you." "Oh, well, that's all right," answered Don. "I am all right now, and I suppose I did wrong to bark at you, and bite. I am sorry." "Then I'll excuse you," spoke Tum Tum. "But what is your name, and where do you live?"

"Let who get you?" cried Tum Tum. "What is the matter?" for Mappo looked very frightened. "The hand-organ man is after me!" chattered Mappo, and with that he gave a jump, and landed right upon Tum Tum's broad back. "Don't be afraid," said the elephant. "No one will get you while I am here, Mappo," and Tum Tum swung his long trunk.

Molly, for a moment, looked as if she wanted to cry from sheer vexation, for the getting ready to start had been trying on all of them. Then the humor of the situation appealed to her, and she exclaimed, as the solemn-eyed twins drew: nearer: "Dodo Paul what does this mean? Go back home at once! Mamma will be dreadfully worried about you. Go back." "We tum too," lisped Dodo.

But there are other animals of whose lives I can tell you, and the next book in this series is going to be called "Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant: His Many Adventures." "Weren't you afraid when you climbed up that rain-water pipe to get the baby?" asked Don the dog of Mappo, one day. "I wasn't afraid of climbing, but I was a little afraid of the fire," said the monkey.

Tamytam sitting upon the toad stool," said Mrs. Teenyweeny, "and as I had just heard of this lovely home for rent, she came with me to see it and we decided to take it!" "And will Tom Tom and Mrs. Teenyweeny live with us, Tum Tum?" Tim Tim asked. "They have the little nook right across the hall!" Mrs. Tamytam replied.

Then, becoming distracted with the remembrance of her misfortunes, "veterum memor illa malorum," she took off howling into the fields of Thrace: Tum quoque Sithonios, ululavit moesta per agros. Juno, Jove's wife and sister, was heard to declare that poor Hecuba did not deserve so terrible a fate: Ipsa Jovis conjuxque sororque, Eventus Hecubam meruisse negaverit illos.

She is fair; a Beauty, some have said, who judge not by lines. Fair to me, Willoughby! She is my sky. There were applicants. In Italy she was besought of me. She has no history. You are the first heading of the chapter. With you she will have her one tale, as it should be. 'Mulier tum bene olet', you know. Most fragrant she that smells of naught.