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Selene shrugged her shoulders, but Arsinoe said: "Tryphon's shipyard lies just below and we often pass it; but we do not know him or his sons. Have you ever seen them Selene? At any rate it is polite of him to speak of us as pretty." "Nobody need trouble themselves about your appearance unless they want to ask my permission to marry you," replied the steward with a growl.

Selene shrugged her shoulders, but Arsinoe said: "Tryphon's shipyard lies just below and we often pass it; but we do not know him or his sons. Have you ever seen them Selene? At any rate it is polite of him to speak of us as pretty." "Nobody need trouble themselves about your appearance unless they want to ask my permission to marry you," replied the steward with a growl.

Selene shrugged her shoulders, but Arsinoe said: "Tryphon's shipyard lies just below and we often pass it; but we do not know him or his sons. Have you ever seen them Selene? At any rate it is polite of him to speak of us as pretty." "Nobody need trouble themselves about your appearance unless they want to ask my permission to marry you," replied the steward with a growl.

A sou, sometimes a crown-piece, a stone, a skeleton, a bleeding body, sometimes a spectre folded in four like a sheet of paper in a portfolio, sometimes nothing. This is what Tryphon's verses seem to announce to the indiscreet and curious: "Fodit, et in fossa thesauros condit opaca, As, nummas, lapides, cadaver, simulacra, nihilque."