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Is it Rochefoucauld who says that a man is never more likely to form a hopeful attachment for one than when his heart is softened by a hopeless attachment to another? May it be long, my dear father, before you condole with me on the first or congratulate me on the second. Your affectionate son, Direct to me at Mr. Travers's. Kindest love to my mother.

He had learned when he had called on the Traverses that they were going thither, and hence that burst of family sentiment which had procured the invitation to himself. But he must be cautious, he must not prematurely awaken Travers's suspicions. He was not as yet a match that the squire could approve of for his heiress.

Travers's tenants, but of farmers and their families within the range of eight or ten miles from the Park, with a few of the neighbouring gentry and clergy. It was not a supper intended to include the labouring class; for Mr. Travers had an especial dislike to the custom of exhibiting peasants at feeding-time, as if they were so many tamed animals of an inferior species.

Travers's words had sunk in deeper than that good lady herself had hoped for; and one evening, when Abner Herrick was seated at his desk penning a scathing indictment of the President for lack of firmness and decision on the tariff question, Ann, putting her thin arms round his neck and rubbing her little sallow face against his right-hand whisker, took him to task on the subject.

From being a strong, healthy man, my father has, since Travers's arrival, begun to be attacked by a mysterious malady. He has periodical fainting-fits, sometimes convulsions. He'll be feeling better for a day or so; then, without a word of warning, whilst you're talking to him, he'll drop like a shot bird and go into the most horrible convulsions.

"I I never learned. It it is I, myself. I thought I had grown into something else, but I shall always be the same when I let myself go." "Let yourself go? Good heavens! Why not let yourself go forever?" Travers's voice shook. "You have brought joy and youth to us all to me, who never had youth. What who are you?" he laughed boyishly. She sat rigidly erect and turned her sad eyes upon him.

Somers seemed at first as much frightened at me as she had been at the Captain; and though I offered to walk with her to Miss Travers's, where she was going with a basket which the young lady had ordered, she refused, and went back home.

Then fiercely: "What right have I to my joy, when she " "She told me that only by your happiness being consummated could she hope for peace." Travers's voice was low and reverent. "What a girl she is!" Priscilla faltered. "The All Woman." "Yes, the All Woman." The sun began to drop behind the tall hemlocks. Priscilla shivered in the arms that held her.

Tom would have been glad to challenge him to a bout at fisticuffs, for he was confident he could vanquish him in short order. He often yearned to do so. More than once the hot defiance was tugging at his lips; but the memory of poor Jim Travers's parting words, "Tom, try to be better: I tell you, you won't be sorry when you come to die," restrained the angry utterance and the hasty blow.

The rooms of all the male occupants of the house, including that of Philip Bawdrey himself, opened upon this. He went to each in turn, unlocked it, stepped in, closed it after him, and lit the bedroom candle. The sleeping-draught had accomplished all that was required of it; and in each and every room he entered Captain Travers's, Lieutenant Forshay's, Mr.