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She was quivering as a harp quivers under the fingers of one who knows, and her whole soul was thrilling to the wild, tumultuous music that he had called into being there. It was almost more than she could bear this miracle that had been wrought upon her. Tots's eyes still held her own, and it was as if thereby he showed her all that was best in life. "Why not?" he said again very softly.

The church was very hot, and the crush of guests great. She listened to the marriage service as a prisoner might listen to his death sentence. The irrevocability of it was anguish to her tortured imagination. And all the while she was conscious vividly, terribly conscious of Tots's presence, Tots's inscrutable scrutiny, Tots's triumph of possession. He would never let her go, she felt.

He broke off, struck silent by a wholly unexpected display of energy on the part of Tots, who had suddenly hurled a piece of chalk at him from the other end of the room. It hit him smartly on the shoulder, leaving a white patch to testify to the excellence of Tots's aim. "I beg your pardon," said Tots mildly. "But you really shouldn't talk such rot, particularly in the presence of my fiancée."

She scarcely heard the nightmare buzz of congratulation all about her. The only thing of which she was vividly conscious, over and above her dumb anguish of consternation, was the fast grip of Tots's hand. It seemed to hold her up, to sustain her, while the very soul of her was ready to faint with dismay.

And then for the first time she saw Tots's eyes, opened wide and looking at her with an expression there was no mistaking. He took her face between his hands. "Yes, I know all that," he said, speaking below his breath. "But it doesn't count, dear believe me, it doesn't. The only thing that is really indispensable, we have. So why not make that do?" "Oh, I don't know," she gasped. "I don't know."

And then, suddenly, inexplicably, her eyes filled with tears, and she packed up the little box hurriedly with fingers that trembled. She directed the parcel to Tots, and put it aside with the intention of posting it herself. A tiny strip of paper on the floor attracted her attention as she turned. She picked it up. It was only Tots's simple message in four short words.