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Let us be grateful things are as they are, said the Nilghai. 'Let us rather reverently consider whether Torp's three-cornered ministrations are exactly what Dick needs just now. What do you think yourself, Torp? 'I know they aren't. But what can I do? 'Lay the matter before the board. We are all Dick's friends here. You've been most in his life. 'But I picked it up when he was off his head.

'But they do say dreadful things about him, indeed, and he doesn't deny a word of it, as he ought to, in my humble opinion, though it's not my business to judge, of course, but I'll say this, Miss More, and that is, that if the butler's character was publicly attacked in the papers, in the way Mr. Van Torp's is, and if I were Mr.

Rufus Van Torp's charities were notorious, aggressive, and profitable. The same sums of money could not have bought as much mingled advertisement and immunity in any other way. 'Of course, observed Alphonsine, seeing that Margaret would soon be able to speak again, 'money is no object to Madame either! This subtle flattery was evidently meant to forestall reproof.

Van Torp's similes were not always elegant. 'Tip-top tea, he remarked, as Lady Maud did not attempt to say anything more. 'That was a bright idea of yours, bringing the lemon, too. He took several small sips in quick succession, evidently appreciating the quality of the tea as a connoisseur. 'I don't know how you have managed to do it, said Lady Maud at last.

Then Margaret thought of Isidore Bamberger, the hard-working man of business who was Van Torp's right hand and figure-head, as Griggs had said, and who had divorced the beautiful, half-crazy mother of the two Idas because Van Torp had stolen her from him Van Torp, his partner, and once his trusted friend.

Van Torp's land, which was so thoroughly protected against trespassers and reporters by wire fences and special watchmen that there was little danger of any one getting within the guarded boundary. On the side towards Craythew there was a gate with a patent lock, to which Lady Maud had a key. Mr. Van Torp was at the meeting-place at least a quarter of an hour before the appointed time.

The Prussians shelled it out in '70 because there was a poplar on the top of a hill eighteen hundred yards from the church spire There's a squadron of cavalry quartered there, or ought to be. Where this studio Torp spoke about may be I cannot tell. That is Torp's business. I have given him his route.

Van Torp's solid hand, and she was in the saddle. The black was at first less disposed to be docile, but soon yielded at the sight of another carrot. Mr. Van Torp did not take the trouble to put his foot into the stirrup, but vaulted from the ground with no apparent effort. Lady Maud smiled approvingly, but not as a woman who loves a man and feels pride in him when he does anything very difficult.

As soon as he was sure of this and felt free to act, Isidore Bamberger divorced his wife, in a State where slight grounds are sufficient. For the sake of the Nickel Trust Van Torp's name was not mentioned. Mrs. Bamberger made no defence, the affair was settled almost privately, and Bamberger was convinced that she would soon marry Van Torp.

But the groom's good advice was checked by an unexpected phenomenon. Mr. Van Torp was suddenly up, and the black was plunging wildly as was only to be expected; what was more extraordinary was that Mr. Van Torp's expression showed no change whatever, the very big cigar was stuck in his mouth at precisely the same angle as before, and he appeared to be glued to the saddle.