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"An' skipping to his freends upo' the Borr'der.... Toch!" The network of wrinkles tightened about the sharp little blue-grey eyes of the Chief Medical Officer. "That would gie a thochtfu' man a kind o' notion that a reese in the temperature may be expectit shortly. An' so you slept soundly on the strength o' many wakeful nichts to come?

'Nobody can toch it, not if he vas in debt millions. Again he nodded his head. 'I am very glad to hear it for her sake, said Lord Nidderdale as he took his leave. When Roger Carbury returned to Suffolk, after seeing his cousins in Welbeck Street, he was by no means contented with himself. That he should be discontented generally with the circumstances of his life was a matter of course.

But no wonder that you are growing thin and pale; for I do believe, you foolish Shenac Bhan, that it sometimes comes into your mind that Allister may never come home. Now confess." "I often think it," said Shenac, in an awed voice. "Toch! I knew it by your face. You are as bad as my aunt." "Do you never think so?" asked our Shenac. "Think it!" said Shenac Dhu scornfully. "I trow not.

In the fierce determination to gain it, he threw the stethoscope away, and glued his avid ear to the man again. "Toch! but I wouldna' have missed this for a kittie o' Kruger sovereigns!" the Chief Medical Officer whispered to his colleague from Meath. And McFadyen whispered back: "Nor me, for your shoes. 'Ssh!"

And I did go to the kirk at least I went to the school-house, where old Mr Forbes preached," said Shenac. "Toch!" exclaimed Shenac Dhu scornfully; "do you call that going to the kirk? Yon poor old body do you call him a minister? They say he used to make shoes at home. I'm amazed at you, Shenac! you that's held up to the rest of us as a woman of sense!" Shenac Bhan laughed.

Good-bye again, in the touching words of our Dutch translator with whom I'm sure you'll heartily agree: Toch ben ik er mijn landgenooten dank baar voor, die mijn arbeid steeds zoo welwillend outvangen en wier genegenheid ik voortdurend hoop te verdienen. On a bright December morning long ago, two thinly clad children were kneeling upon the bank of a frozen canal in Holland.

The wiry hairs of the Chief Medical Officer's red moustache bristled like a cat's. "Toch! Colonel, you will have reason to be considering me dull in the uptake, but I see through the mud wall now. And so the knowledge that ye have no equal at hiding your deeds o' darkness even in the licht o' the railway-yard was as good to ye as Daffy's Elixir.