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I could have done it better myself; three-and-sixpence! it's only fit to be played at football with. 'I will take no less for it, young gentlewoman; it has caused me a world of trouble. 'I never saw a worse mended kettle. I say, brother, your hair is white. ''Tis nature; your hair is black; nature, nothing but nature.

"Now be after getting up," said Jorrocks, "for time and the Surrey 'ounds wait for no man. That's not a werry elegant tit, but still it'll carry you to Croydon well enough, where I'll put you on a most undeniable bit of 'orse-flesh a reg'lar clipper. That's a hack what they calls three-and-sixpence a side, but I only pays half a crown.

However, poor thing, she has other matters to think of: and I dare say, never knew the pleasures of an empty purse. Here we are! Three-and-sixpence eh, cabman? I suppose you think I was born Saturday night? There's three shillings. Now, don't chaff me, my excellent friend, or you will find you have met your match, and a leetle more!"

The rent of this room is three-and-sixpence a week, also including attendance; lamp, as for the first floor, eighteen-pence; but kitchen fire a shilling. "But why should kitchen fire for the first floor be two shillings, and for this only one?" "Well, as a rule, sir, the first floor wants more cooking done." You are quite right, my dear lady, I was forgetting.

‘Neither like you nor dislike you, brother; what will you have for that kekaubi?’ ‘What’s the use of talking to me in that un-Christian way; what do you mean, young gentlewoman?’ ‘Lord, brother, what a fool you are; every tinker knows what a kekaubi is. I was asking you what you would have for that kettle.’ ‘Three-and-sixpence, young gentlewoman; isn’t it well mended?’ ‘Well mended!

Lance, as he looked at the pied, bandy-legged, long-nosed cur, felt it impossible to set his cost against his keep, nor was he designed by nature for driving bargains; but Sims' expectations were founded on the probable, and the debt was annulled for three-and-sixpence and Stingo himself.

He might raise at least three-and-sixpence on those boots, and when the baby is crying for food, it occurs to us that it would be better if, instead of praying to Heaven, he took off those boots and pawned them; but this does not seem to occur to him. He crosses the African desert in patent-leather boots, does the stage hero. He takes a supply with him when he is wrecked on an uninhabited island.

Holroyd's remark she laughed after the manner of one quite contented with herself a low, musical laugh, in harmony with the blue June sky and the flowering chestnuts and the song of the thrushes. "My intentions with regard to Dick are strictly honourable," she remarked. "We've been engaged for the last eleven years, and I still have his engagement ring. It cost three-and-sixpence."

Kittridge, holding up the controverted blue dress, "and that ar never cost a cent under five-and-sixpence a yard; it takes a yard and a half to make it, and it must have been a good day's work to make it up; call that three-and-sixpence more, and with them pearl buttons and thread and all, that ar dress never cost less than a dollar and seventy-five, and here she's goin' to run out every day in it!"

The soliloquies alone are well worth fifteen shillings; then there is the stabbing King Henrydecidedly cheap at three-and-sixpence, that’s eighteen-and-sixpence; bullying the coffin-bearerssay eighteen-pence, though it’s worth much morethat’s a pound.