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No doubt there is something of idealization in all these reminiscences, and of that exaggeration which belongs to the laudator temporis acti. But Charles Emerson was idolized in his own time by many in college and out of college. George Stillman Hillard was his rival.

Septimus, during the brief interval of an over, allows his eyes to stray round the huge circle. Upon the ground are the youth, the beauty, the rank and fashion of the kingdom, and, best of all, his old friends. The Rev. Septimus has a weakness, being, of course, human to the finger-tips. He calls himself a laudator temporis acti. In his day, the match was less of a function.

We must have an incident, besides a punctum temporis, for our start in government; and where could we find a better one than that on which the whole subsequent course and character of the government depended? We go, then, for the old Charter, and for the setting up of a jurisdiction under it here.

I paid a visit to my old friend John Brown the other day, as I thought he would be able to tell me something about the harvest feasts of bygone days. He is a dear old man of some seventy-eight summers, though somewhat of the laudator temporis acti school; but what good-nature and sense of humour there is in the good, honest face!

But this idea of development, unfolding, is quite modern in the real sense of the terms; it is something outside the range even of the second Isaiah. Judaism was never quite sure whether to join the ranks of the 'laudatores temporis acti, or to believe that man never is but always to be blest. On the one hand, the person of Adam was endowed with perfections such as none of his successors matched.

And this frank admission ought to show that I am not your mere twaddling laudator temporis acti your old fogy who can see no good except in his own time. They say that claret is better now-a-days, and cookery much improved since the days of MY monarch of George IV. Pastry Cookery is certainly not so good. I passed by the pastry-cook's shop lately, having occasion to visit my old school.

Hanc insulam totam tenent, et gubernant Christiani Hospitalarij nunc temporis, quae quondam Colosse dicebatur: nam et multi Saracenorum adhuc eam sic appellant, vnde et Epistola, quam beatus Paulus ad habitatores huius Insulae scripsit, intitulabatur ad Colossenses. Iste portus non vocatur modo Tyrus, sed Sur. Nam et ab illa parte est ibi introitus terrae Suriae.

A certain amount of self-deception is quite possible at threescore years and ten, but at three score years and twenty Nature has shown most of those who live to that age that she is earnest, and means to dismantle and have done with them in a very little while. As for boasting of our past, the laudator temporis acti makes but a poor figure in our time.

Et erat simul inscripta data defuncti secundum modum illius temporis quae continebat duo millia annorum ante incarnationem ipsius Christi de Maria Virgine. Seruatur quoque hodierno tempore eadem patina in Thesaurario eiusdem Ecclesiae, et dicitur illud corpus fuisse Hermetis sapientis.

Next deserves a passing allusion the Historia Nostri Temporis, by the once famous writer Emmius, whose posthumous book suffered at the hands of George Albert, Prince of East Frisia. The Parlement of Toulouse condemned Reboulet's Histoire des Filles de la Congrégation de l'Enfance for accusing Madame de Moudonville, the founder of that convent, of publishing libels against the king.