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Et quia in tanta multitudine ferali occupaverunt terram sicut locustae, conturbati sunt omnes de dominica terra qui videbant eos, et timuit omnis homo.

Among the many amendments, which have been suggested, the easiest and best is that of Susius, followed by Wexius, Duebner, Or. and Rit, viz. placing Illacessita transiit at the beginning of the next chapter. But this does violence not only to MS. authority, but to Latin usage in making the adverb ut, so as, as, follow tanta. In such a connection, ut must be a conjunction==so that, that.

Peggy and I have about made up our minds to have a house party during the holidays, but we haven't quite made up our minds which girls we are going to like well enough to ask to it. Tanta suggested it. She is anxious to know our friends, and we are anxious to have her. She sizes people up pretty quickly and we are always mighty glad to have her opinion."

Friday, June 22, 1711. Addison. 'Tanta est quarendi cura decoris. Juv. There is not so variable a thing in Nature as a Lady's Head-dress: Within my own Memory I have known it rise and fall above thirty Degrees. About ten Years ago it shot up to a very great Height, insomuch that the Female Part of our Species were much taller than the Men.

"Tanta," she said, this was a pet name lately invented for Katy, "here is something for you from mamma. It's something quite particular, I think, for mamma cried when she was writing the note; not a hard cry, you know, but just two little teeny-weeny tears in her eyes. She kept smiling, though, and she looked happy, so I guess it isn't anything very bad.

And that was exactly what Peggy did not propose to permit, either for his well-being or in justice to the other pets. As the extraordinary game of tag ranged around the big paddock, Polly fairly danced up and down in excitement, crying: "Tanta, Tanta, I didn't know any one COULD ride like that girl. Why it is more wonderful than a circus. And isn't she beautiful? Oh, I want to know her better.

And as she sat there, panting and grinning with laughter, I knelt before her and, with suitable passionate gestures, declaimed again the old delicate lines sung by Mena before Columbus sailed the seas: Muy mas clara que la luna Sola una en el mundo vos nacistes tan gentil, que no vecistes ni tavistes competedora ninguna Desdi ninez en la cuna cobrastes fama, beldad, con tanta graciosidad, que vos doto la fortuna.

And thus it happened that a little gold dust skilfully applied put an end to wars that else threatened to extend into a Carthaginian length. In one week's time "Hi motus animorum atque haec certamina tanta Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quierunt."

and a thousand of the like, wherewith the world suffers itself to be so easily imposed upon, believing that our interests affect the heavens, and that their infinity is concerned at our ordinary actions: "Non tanta caelo societas nobiscum est, ut nostro fato mortalis sit ille quoque siderum fulgor." Pliny, Nat.

Lying off Cape Porpoise, between the bearings of SE. and SSE., and at distances varying from 6 to 8 miles, are a number of small, rocky, or pebbly bottoms having depths ranging from 18 to 25 fathoms. During certain seasons these abound in cod and haddock and are visited by the fishermen of the vicinity. Tanta. This ground is S. from Cape Elizabeth, the center being distant 12 miles.