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The same annunciation commanded the assistants of every kind to clear a convenient part of the seats which surrounded the lists on one side, that it might serve for the accommodation of Prince Tancred's followers.

Tancred opened the door of the chariot, the policemen pulled down the steps, the servants were told to do the best they could with the wrecked equipage; in a second the lady and her companion were in Tancred's brougham, who, desiring his servants to obey all their orders, disappeared, for the stoppage at this moment began to move, and there was no time for bandying compliments.

She rang the bell for her maid, and told her to ask the young ladies to put on dressing-gowns and come to her. Soon Lord Tancred's two sisters entered the room. They were nice, fresh English girls, and stood a good deal in awe of their mother. They kissed her and sat down on the bed.

'I am disappointed that Besso is not here. I am most anxious to see him. 'Shall I send for the Colonel, my lord? said Baroni, shaking Tancred's Arabian cloak. 'Well, I think I should let him return naturally, said Tancred; 'sending for him is a scene; and I do not know why, Baroni, but I feel I feel unstrung.

'A loan! exclaimed Tancred; 'I see the poison of modern liberalism has penetrated even the desert. Believe me, national redemption is not an affair of usury. At this moment there was some little disturbance without the tent, which it seems was occasioned by the arrival of Tancred's servants, Freeman and True-man.

Tancred's estate, we are told, was not large enough to feed his two batches of children; that was the reason why they went to seek their fortunes so far off. If they had stayed at home, the estate might possibly have grown; for we are told by their own biographer that it was the nature of the sons of Tancred, when they saw that anybody else had anything, to take it to themselves.

It was a stratagem of Tancred's, he thought, designed to promote a quarrel between Richard and his ally. Tancred assured him that Philip did write the letter, or, at least, that it was brought to him as from Philip by the Duke of Burgundy, one of his principal officers. "You may ask the Duke of Burgundy," said he, "and if he denies it, I will challenge him to a duel through one of my barons."

That he had formed an alliance with Tancred, the usurper of Sicily, and thus made himself a partaker in Tancred's crimes. That he had invaded the dominions of Isaac, the Christian king of Cyprus, deposed the king, laid waste his dominions, and plundered his treasures; and, finally, had sent the unhappy king to pine away and die in a Syrian dungeon.

His conduct had, for a while, even ousted the usual topics of conversation money, food, and woman from the bazaars; and an exhaustive discussion of it was only kept out of the Native Press by the combined efforts of the Police and his own Department. Jan gained from Peter a fairly clear idea of the débâcle that had occurred in Hugo Tancred's life.

There was thus a double reason for an expedition to Italy Henry must assert his wife's claim to the throne of Sicily, and he must do this without quarrelling with the Pope, from whom he must obtain the imperial crown. His first expedition was only a formal success. But Henry failed before Naples: his army was decimated by the plague, and his wife fell into Tancred's hands.