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The native banker in the capital will remit for you by wire to his agent in Tali the sum of 1000 taels, for a charge of eight taels, exclusive of the cost of the telegram, and, as the value of silver in Tali is one per cent. higher than it is in Yunnan, the traveller can send his money by wire with perfect safety, and lose nothing in the remittance, not even the cost of the telegram.

She had been advising him to return, she added, but she was now resolved that he should "never set foot in the Provinces again." Here the Earl, who, was present, exclaimed beating himself on the breast "a tali officio libera nos, Domine!"

And, had I not arrived when I did, they could not have been sent till after the rains. A coolie will carry eighty pounds weight from Bhamo to Tali for 12s.; and I need hardly point out that a very small transaction in teak would cover the cost of many coolies. Besides, any expenditure incurred would have been reimbursed by the Inland Mission.

It is now in the possession of a family of Mohammedans, one of the very few Moslem families still living in the valley of Tali. Our men were slain, our women were taken in prey, only a remnant escaped the destroyer."

In addition to the three converts who have been baptised in Tali in the last two years, there are two inquirers one the mission cook who are nearly ready for acceptance. At the Sunday service I met the three converts.

In a letter to his daughter, he writes thus: "I have sent you two hundred and fifty denarii, which I gave to every one of my guests; in case they were inclined at supper to divert themselves with the Tali, or at the game of Even-or-Odd." LXXII. In other matters, it appears that he was moderate in his habits, and free from suspicion of any kind of vice.

Then by the yamen of the Titai and the Great Five Glory Gate, the northern entrance of what was for seventeen years the palace of the Mohammedan king during the rebellion, we turned down the East street to the Yesu-tang, the Inland Mission, where Mr. and Mrs. John Smith gave me a cordial greeting. Tali has always been an important city.

If against the inroads of the evangelical party the orthodox church has need of a defender, it hardly would wish, we should think, to be assisted tali auxilio. Mrs. Trollope has not exactly the genius which is best calculated to support the Church of England, or to argue upon so grave a subject as that on which she has thought proper to write. The Vicar of Wrexhill. By Mrs. Trollope. London, 1837.

He guessed now that Lord Blandamer had himself turned the picture with its face to the wall, and in doing so had deliberately abandoned a weapon that might have served him well in the struggle. Lord Blandamer must have deliberately foregone the aid of recollections such as Anastasia's portrait would have called up in his antagonist's mind. "Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis."

On January 22 he had written to the Bishop of New Zealand: 'You write most kindly touching him, dear fellow, and truly I am to be envied, qui natum haberem tali ingenio praeditum. Not for a moment have I repented of giving my sanction to his going out to New Zealand; and I fully believe that God will prosper his work.