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A slow and laborious process compared to the sale of irrigated land to Russian Jews. Symes's guests wrung his hand at parting, in silent gratitude at being permitted to get in on the ground floor of what was undoubtedly the greatest money making enterprise still open to investors.

The dull red of mortification crept slowly over Symes's face as he realized that Ogden Van Lennop, before whom he had boasted of his lineage, and patronized, was a conspicuous member of a family whose name was all but a household word throughout the land! But why, Symes asked the question that Mudge had asked, why should Van Lennop thrust the knife between his short ribs and turn it?

"I have been thinking over everything," she said, "and my conscience is not going to trouble me; for I know, or believe I know, a way by which I may help them all." "It is a grand thing to help those who are in sorrow, Fanny." "I will do my best," said the girl. That evening, to Miss Symes's great relief, she heard Fanny's merry laugh in the school.

"Sit down, dear, won't you? Emma, I have been also anxious. I cannot understand why that notice was put up on the blackboard, and why Betty has left the club. Have you any clue, dear?" "None whatsoever," was Miss Symes's answer. "Of course I, as a teacher, cannot possibly question any of the girls, and they are none of them willing to confide in me." "We certainly cannot question them," said Mrs.

The call for laborers brought a new and strange class of people to its streets swarthy, chattering persons with long backs, and short legs, of frugal habits, yet, after all, leaving much silver in the town on the Saturday night which followed payday. Symes's domestic life was moving as smoothly and as satisfactorily as his business affairs.

If they wondered somewhat at the elasticity of the law, Symes's ability to stretch it only demonstrated still further his power, his ability to bend men and things to his iron will, and their awe of him increased proportionately. To the isolated community of obscure persons Symes seemed very nearly omnipotent.

Sometimes she thought of Augusta Kunkel and a derisive smile always curved her lips as she attempted to picture her in a worldly setting and the smile grew when she tried to imagine Symes's sensations while presenting her to his friends.

He looked at his bride, noting that she wore a broach which might have belonged on a set of harness. "Yip! Yip! Yee-ough!" "I am deeply conscious of my own unworthiness and not insensible to the fact that the gods have singled me out for special favor " Any reference to the gods was considered a mark of learning and eloquence, so Symes's humble admission was loudly applauded.

The procession was headed by Andy P. Symes bearing Mrs. Starr, tittering hysterically, upon his arm. Mrs. Symes's newly acquired savoir-faire deserted her; her hands grew clammy and Sylvanus Starr's desperate conversational efforts evoked no other response than "Yes, sir No, sir." Mrs.

"But out here it's mostly money that counts, or rather will count in the future." "Yes, with a man of Symes's type it would be nearly the only qualification necessary. If you had been the 'rich Miss Tisdale' you undoubtedly would have been the guest of honor."