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But beauty was so much wasted material on this daughter of Swendon's, who did not seem to know she had it. Besides, Mr. Neckart had always been thrown into contact with women who had careers and aims. Each one of them wished she had been born a man, and did what she could to snatch a man's prerogatives.

He pulled the bell violently: "You have only given me the trouble of preparing a second copy. It shall be identical with the first." Old Dave, coming in, observed that Miss Swendon's very lips were without color. But as she went out of the room she halted to move a screen, so as to protect Laidley from the draught. She met her father on the stairs. "Do not go up," she said.

The truth is, Neckart light a cigar the truth is," lowering his voice and leaning over the table, "Laidley exacted a half promise from me that night which troubles me. The fellow died forthwith, you see, and so clenched it on me. He had a plan for Miss Swendon's future, and asked me to forward it. I thought he was going to cheat the girl, and paid little attention to it.

"Why, that seemed a good plan. Unless you have some objection?" "What objection can I have? What does it matter to me?" He stooped to pat his dog, that sat upright watching his face. "Surely, that is that savage wolf-hound of Miss Swendon's?" "Yes. He divides his time between us." After a few minutes he said, "You seem to anticipate no difficulty in the way of your conquering hero?