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He always talked French, as a middle course between Italian and English, and Edith spoke her own language to him. 'Elle. La Mere Frabelle, he laughed to himself. 'Elle est folle de ton mari! 'Oh, really, Landi! That's your fancy! He mimicked her. 'Farncy! Farncy! Je me suis monte l'imagination, peut-etre! J'ai un rien de fievre, sans doute! C'est une idee que j'ai, comme ca. Eh bien! Non!

It was marvellous how instantaneously he subsided into the superannuated driveller who was to bear away the bell from Old Parr and all the Emperor Alexander's far-sought fossils. "Je suis vieux, vieux l'an mil sept cent vingt-six le treize Septembre,

M. Sismondi and his wife dined here, and three Saladins, father, mother, and daughter. M. de Stael has promised to show to me Gibbon's love-letters to his grandmother, ending regularly with "Je suis, mademoiselle, avec les sentimens qui font le desespoir de ma vie," etc.

I laughed. Madame looked at me and at W., my fellow-lodger, and demanded a translation of the joke. I referred the matter to W. His French was, if possible, worse than mine, but it was he who had started the subject. "Ham," I said to him, "is jambon. Go ahead." W. went ahead, but "high" in the sense he wanted did not seem to be in the dictionary. I had a try when W. gave up and began with an explanation of the cockney's difficulty with the letter "h." Madame smiled uncomprehendingly. W., who had studied the dictionary while I talked, made a fresh start at "je suis." "Je suis I am. Jambon ham, c'est

Omissible here; the fixity of purpose being plain otherwise to Voltaire and us. "Je suis homme, il suffit, et ne pour la souffrance; Aux rigueurs du destin j'oppose ma constance. But with these sentiments, I am far from condemning Cato and Otho. "Croyez que si j'etais Voltaire, Et particulier comme lui, Me contentant du necessaire, Je verrais voltiger la fortune legere,"

"Je suis triste comme toujours et toutes les fois que je n'entends pas votre voix que je ne regarde pas vos yeux." One of the billets relates to an incident that has become historic. Wagner had been obliged, because of his participation in the revolution, to flee from Dresden.

"No, no! Say not that. My dear daughter shall not be lost! Ah! Mon dieu!" "Daughter? Was one of 'em your daughter, grand-daddy?" exclaimed Sheldrake. "Think of that, Burke! His daughter drownded!" "Je suis fachè de votre malheur, père," said Palafox, in a tone of affected commiseration. Then turning to Sheldrake with a grin, "Better not devil the old man any more, Shel; he's gone crazy.

He will, perhaps, see more clearly, will act with less want of foresight than others. Is it true that, on account of the state of affairs on the Continent, there is in England a tacit suspension of hostilities between the two parties, and that the Cabinet is no longer seriously attacked?... Je suis charme que le second volume de mes 'Meditations' vous ait interesse.

Béclère did not think it necessary to answer. "But in France? You will return to France some day?" "Why should I? Whom do I know in France? Je ne suis plus un des vôtres. Qu'irais-je y faire? But we are not talking for the last time, Tahar has yet to arrive, he will be here to-morrow and we'll go hunting; and after our hunting I hope to induce you to stop some while longer.

"Je suis bien aise de me servir de cette occasion pour vous dire que j'ay este informe, non seulement de vostre zele et de vostre application pour vostre mission, et du progres qu'elle fait pour l'avancement de la religion avec les sauvages, mais encore de vos soins pour les maintenir dans le service de Sa Majeste et pour les encourager aux expeditions de guerre."