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After the meal he wandered out of the lodge; but there was little for him to see except the dark shapes of the wigwams and here and there a group of silent Indians seated round their camp fire; and so he returned and took comfortable refuge between the blankets and buffalo robes provided for him by one of Simon Sprott's attendant braves.

Sprott's children told them REGULAR every day, and cross their hearts too. I s'pose Paul Irving never tells whoppers and here I've been trying awful hard to be as good as him, but now I s'pose you'll never love me again. But I think you might have told me it was wrong. I'm awful sorry I've made you cry, Anne, and I'll never tell a whopper again."

"Well, well, well," said I, "you will have to learn more sense." I left her mails for the moment in an inn upon the shore, where I got a direction for Sprott's house in my new French, and we walked there it was some little way beholding the place with wonder as we went.

I didn't hurt her much . . . she just cried 'cause she's a girl. I'm glad I'm a boy but I'm sorry I'm a twin. When Jimmy Sprott's sister conterdicks him he just says, 'I'm oldern you, so of course I know better, and that settles HER. But I can't tell Dora that, and she just goes on thinking diffrunt from me. You might let me drive the gee-gee for a spell, since I'm a man."

"Well, well, well," said I, "you will have to learn more sense." I left her mails for the moment in an inn upon the shore, where I got a direction for Sprott's house in my new French, and we walked there it was some little way beholding the place with wonder as we went.

"Well, well, well," said I, "you will have to learn more sense." I left her mails for the moment in an inn upon the shore, where I got a direction for Sprott's house in my new French, and we walked there it was some little way beholding the place with wonder as we went.