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I'm kind o' scairt for fear I'll sp'ile suthin' er other. Sometimes I feel as if I'd like to crawl under the grand pyano an' git out o' danger. Now look at old gran'pa Smead in his gold frame on the wall. He's got me buffaloed. Watches every move I make. Betsey laughs an' tells me I can sp'ile anything I want to, but gran'pa is ever remindin' me o' the ancient law o' the Smeads an' the Persians."

An' while he stood gaspin' fer breath she lit in to beggin' him not to tell nobody about the'r little flirtation. She said folks would think it was silly of her, an' if Jim Cahews meant business, which it looked like he did, a tale like that might sp'ile her chances." "Huh," grunted Henley, "she was getting down to bedrock, wasn't she?" "Well, I don't blame 'er," said the widow, charitably.

The fierce hatred of the wounded savage was astir in his heart and it would not be denied or silenced. "Give me that gun, and you shall have your first chance," he conceded. "I make but one condition: if you kill him, I'll kill you." Kincaid laughed and gave up his weapon. "I was only allowin' to sp'ile his face some, and a rock'll do for that.

She told Emily that she knew she should sp'ile the whole lot, and she proved a true prophetess. The shirt-bosoms and collars bore indisputable evidence that she was not stinted for fuel, the hot flat-iron having left its full impress upon some, while "Charcoal Sketches," of a kind never dreamed of by Neal, were conspicuous on others.

"Lord, Anna! To do what?" "Hook up my dress for me." "But Ann " "I can't possibly do it myself, so come at once, there's a dear!" "Won't Perry do, Ann?" "Certainly not!" "But I never hooked up a lady in my life, Ann!" "Then you're going to hook up this lady now. So come at once and don't be silly!" "Why, very well, Ann! But if I do it up all wrong an' sp'ile ye don't blame me, that's all!"

Some Injuns is smart, an' gol ding their pictur's! they kin talk like a cat-bird. A skunk has a han'some coat an' acts as cute as a kitten but all the same, which thar ain't no doubt o' it, his friendship ain't wuth a dam. It's a kind o' p'ison. Injuns is like skunks, if ye trust 'em they'll sp'ile ye. They eat like beasts an' think like beasts, an' live like beasts, an' talk like angels.

"'No jail birds in sight fur 's ye c'n see so fur, be they? I says. He, he, he, he!" "You needn't make me out more of a gump 'n I was," protested Mrs. Bixbee. "An' you was jest as " David held up his finger at her. "Don't you sp'ile the story by discountin' the sequil.

"It will sp'ile me so I can't sing. If I couldn't see ye laff I might do " "Dot vos all righdt," declared Hans. "You bet my life we been aple to feex dot britty soon right avay queek. Shust gif me your bocket handerkerchief." "Whut you want of it?" "Nefer you mindt dot. Shust gif me to id."