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I'll go a shoe-blackin' to-morror I will. Mat. Did you ever black a shoe, Bill? Bill. I tried a boot oncet when Jim wor a blackin' for a day or two. But I made nothink on it nothink worth mentionin'. The blackin' or som'at was wrong. The gen'leman said it wur coal-dust, an he'd slog me, an' adwised me to go an' learn my trade. Mat. And what did you say to that? Bill.

"But how should you know" "Now don't you interrupt, my boy. Never interrupt your senyers. Move the fore hoss aside, Bobby; here's som'at coming... You must mind that I be a-talking of the college life. 'Em lives on a lofty level; there's no gainsaying it, though I myself med not think much of 'em.

"Thank you, ma'am, a thousand times!" answered Clare, his face beaming; "but I couldn't leave poor Nimrod to do those men a mischief, and be killed for it!" "You'd have plenty to eat and drink, and som'at for your pocket!" persisted the woman. "I know I should have everything I wanted!" answered Clare, "and I'm very thankful to you, ma'am.

My timely assistance mollified his anger, and he once more became friendly and confidential. "Here, take this piece of poetry, Mister H , and see if you can set it to music. Mind you, it is none of mine; but though not quite so good, it is som'at in my style. I cut it out of a newspaper down East.

"My remarks," said he, "don't seem to commend themselves to one o' my hearers. But I'm talkin' now on a subjec' about which I know som'at, not about ploughin'." The thrust was admirably delivered, the more adroitly in that, on the edge of delivering it, he had paused with a self-depreciatory smile. Its point was taken up on the instant.

It does seem as if the Lard 'ad give me som'at more'n my share. Listen to that ther'. Bless 'er dear 'eart; Benny fergits 'is hamputation an' 'is splits." "His splints," cried Margaret; "are they all right now?" "Yes. Since the young doctor that's w'at Benny calls 'im change 'em. Oh, that's a clever young man! Benney, 'e sez, 'Give me the young doctor, sez 'e. Yeh see," continued Mrs.

However, we couldn't think of letting the day pass without a note of admiration of some sort. If ye could send a drop of som'at down to Warren's, why so it is. Here's long life and happiness to neighbour Oak and his comely bride!" "Thank ye; thank ye all," said Gabriel. "A bit and a drop shall be sent to Warren's for ye at once.

The third girl looked at the second. "She DON'T know!" "'Tis clear she don't!" said Anny. "And having lived in a town, too, as one may say! Well, we can teach 'ee som'at then, as well as you us." "Yes. And how do you mean a sure way to gain a man? Take me for an innocent, and have done wi' it!" "As a husband." "As a husband."

However, we couldn't think of letting the day pass without a note of admiration of some sort. If ye could send a drop of som'at down to Warren's, why so it is. Here's long life and happiness to neighbour Oak and his comely bride!" "Thank ye; thank ye all." said Gabriel. "A bit and a drop shall be sent to Warren's for ye at once.

There's always a rakish, scampish twist about a fiddle's looks that seems to say the Wicked One had a hand in making o'en; while angels be supposed to play clar'nets in heaven, or som'at like 'em, if ye may believe picters." "Robert Penny, you was in the right," broke in the eldest Dewy. "They should ha' stuck to strings.