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Omnium consensu capax imperii, nisi imperasset, saith Tacitus of Galba; but of Vespasian he saith, Solus imperantium, Vespasianus mutatus in melius; though the one was meant of sufficiency, the other of manners, and affection. It is an assured sign of a worthy and generous spirit, whom honor amends.

He got his orders to sail that night for Minorca, and as soon as dinner was over he returned on board, where he found Captain Hogg very busy selling his porter Gascoigne walking the deck in a brown study and Mr Hicks solus abaft, sulking in his petticoats.

Would you believe it? he had prepared a huge stick, the other day, with which to chastise me for giving him the slip, and spending the day, solus, among the hills on the mainland. I verily believe that my ill looks alone saved me a flogging. I have made no addition to my cabinet since we met. If you can, in any way, make it convenient, come over with Jupiter. Do come.

"It is the Lady Allegra's wish that you should dine here this evening," continued Dr. Gonzales. "Solus, it is true, but the disappointment is a mutual one; of that you may be assured." Again I bowed and intimated my willingness to obey.

Having dined solus, I amused myself in writing a long letter to my dear Emily; and with the assistance of a bottle of wine succeeded in composing a tolerably warm and rapturous sort of document, which I sealed, kissed, and sent to the post-office; after which, I built castles till bed-time; but not one castle did I build in which Emily was not the sole mistress.

A committee-man by his name should be one that is possessed, there is number enough in it to make an epithet for legion. You may translate it by the Red Bull phrase, and speak as properly, Enter seven devils solus.

Is he a tall man, with a hooked nose; and does he dip snuff?" queried Jack, innocently enough. "That's Solus to a dot. You see, boys, he's from North Caroliny, where even the wimmen use snuff, only they rub it on their teeth with a stick. Now, mebbe one of you boys would be so obligin' as to direct us to the shortest way to where this old mill stands," continued the man with the bogus orb.

Far from it. I mean I can post no letter singly, by itself, solus. My daily correspondence, my office batch, I take out in a bundle, perhaps in a table basket. That is simple. But a single letter as you see, a clever young lady like this has to find a box for me or I might carry the thing for days together. Astonishing that, you know.

"Solus in crucem actus est Bockingus," are Moryson's words, though I feel uncertain of the nature of the punishment which he meant to designate. "Crucifixion" was unknown to the English law: and an event so peculiar as the "crucifixion" of a monk would hardly have escaped the notice of the contemporary chroniclers.

Most of the cattle had been drafted into yards, had been branded or handled as required, and the work was nearly complete. Towards sundown we came to be most of us assembled about one of the yards. This was a stockyard, or paddock, of about two acres in extent, and within it an obstinate young bull remained solus, holding his own against us.