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"Sherlin's division and two brigades of cavalry were to march to Eagle Cove and thence to Columbiana; Sleeman's division, with other troops, were to form the center; the left was to move on Shelltown; the whole to concentrate on and along the north bank of Goose River. Gen.

If any housekeeper within a particular circle happens to offend the sweeper of that range, none of his filth will be removed till he pacifies him, because no other sweeper will dare to touch it; and the people of a town are often more tyrannized over by these people than by any other." A footnote by Major Sleeman's editor, Mr.

Carrol had engineered the deal, and he would have blushed if he had not forgotten how. As it was, he smiled sourly. "I wish I could. Is this McCrae a friend of yours?" "Put it that way," Farwell replied, frowning at the quizzical expression of Sleeman's eye. "He doesn't want to sell, but I want him to have the chance of refusing real money. He may take it, or he may not.

Harden at Dolinsburg, and immediately advanced within a short distance of Rosenfelt's main encampment, drove in his outposts, and threatened his short Une of communication with Nashua. By this time large re-enforcements had arrived by way of transports up the Combination River to Nashua. Sleeman's division had moved forward to the main force at Murphy's Hill.

If any housekeeper within a particular circle happens to offend the sweeper of that range, none of his filth will be removed till he pacifies him, because no other sweeper will dare to touch it; and the people of a town are often more tyrannized over by these people than by any other." A footnote by Major Sleeman's editor, Mr.

The tale of the twenty years' struggle that followed would put the most thrilling dramas of fiction in the shade. In the works founded on Captain Sleeman's reports, and above all in his own official documents, are found remarkable accounts of the ways in which the Thugs lured their victims to their doom.

It was the dread of this prospective ruin which made the killing of girl-babies so prevalent in India in the old days before England laid the iron hand of her prohibitions upon the piteous slaughter. One may judge of how prevalent the custom was, by one of Sleeman's casual electrical remarks, when he speaks of children at play in villages where girl-voices were never heard!

Sleeman's prediction to Farwell namely, that the attitude of the ranchers would affect land sales proved correct. Naturally, owing to a perfect advertising machinery, a number of sales were made to people at distant points, who bought for speculation merely. But these, though well enough in their way, were not entirely satisfactory.

Then a part of the family went to Sleeman's house, ten miles away, and tried again to get him to let her burn herself. He refused, hoping to save her yet. All that day she scorched in her sheet on the rock, and all that night she kept her vigil there in the bitter cold. By these acts she became a dead person in the eye of the law, and excluded from her caste forever.

It was the dread of this prospective ruin which made the killing of girl-babies so prevalent in India in the old days before England laid the iron hand of her prohibitions upon the piteous slaughter. One may judge of how prevalent the custom was, by one of Sleeman's casual electrical remarks, when he speaks of children at play in villages where girl-voices were never heard!