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Nec adtendunt, etiamsi figura conglobata et rotunda mundus esse credatur, sive aliqua ratione monstretur; non tamen esse consequens, ut etiam ex illa parte ab aquarum congerie nuda sit terra devide etiamus nuda sit, neque hoc statum necesse esse, ut homines habeat, Quoniam nulla modo Scriptura ista mentitur, quae narratis praeteritis facis sidem, eo quod ejus praedicta complentur: nimisque absurdurn est, ut dicatur aliquos hornines ex hae in illam partem, oceani immensitate trajecta, navigare ac pervenive potuisse, ut etiarn illic ex uno illo primo hornine genus institueretur hurnanurn?"

Polonia, sive de Situ, Populis Moribus, &c. Poloniæ a Mart. Cromero. Cologne. 1578. 4to. Sarmatiæ Europeæ Descriptio. ab Alex. Gaguin. Spire, 1581. fol. Reise durch Pohlnische Provinzen. Von J.H. Carosi. Leip. 8vo. These travels are chiefly mineralogical. Nachrichten uber Pohlen. Von J.J. Kausch. Saltz. 1793. 8vo. 267 Letters, Literary and Political, on Poland. 1823. 8vo.

The synonyms of syphilis were at first almost innumerable. It was in his Latin poem Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus, written before 1521 and published at Verona in 1530, that Fracastorus finally gave the disease its now universally accepted name, inventing a romantic myth to account for its origin.

The world and nature are marvellous in their being, but they are notdivine”! The formulanatura sive deusis a monstrous misuse of the worddeus,” if we are to use the words in the sense which history has given to them.

The devil has the ministers and professors of Scotland, now in a sive, and O as he sifts, and O as he riddles, and O as he rattles, and O the chaff he gets; And I fear there be more chaff nor there be good corn, and that will be found among us or all be done: but the soul-confirmed man leaves ever the devil at two more, and he has ay the matter gadged, and leaves ay the devil in the lee side, Sirs O work in the day of the cross.

Anthony of Miranella and other patrons of mine, I have very happily extricated myself. And here I am in the parlour of the "Bugle" at Yarmouth, by a Christian fire, having but lately come off the sea and writing this for the edification and confirmation of honest souls. What, then, of the question, Quid de quuerendo? Quantum? Qualiter? Ubi? Cur? Quid? Quando? Quomodo? Quum? Sive an non? Ah!

Ipsi Cyrenenses privata sorte inter Agyptios ac Poenos diu egerunt; dein cum Carthaginiensibus de agrorum finibus magnum ac diuturnum bellum gesserunt. Mox Carthagine deleta, et ipsi cum reliqua Africa Romano Imperio cesserunt. Posthinc solum eorum Sultanis, tandem Turcis. Africa Minor. Sequitur Africa Minor sive proprie dicta.

Then when Liza did it as gently as she could, she grumbled again. 'If yer do it like thet, it won't do no good at all. You want ter sive yerself trouble I know yer. When I was young girls didn't mind a little bit of 'ard work but, law bless yer, you don't care abaht my rheumatics, do yer? At last she finished, and Liza went to bed by her mother's side. Two days passed, and it was Friday morning.

I had just been reading old Sandys' account of his visit to Constantinople, in 1610, during this Sultan's reign, and could only think of him as Sandys represents him, in the title-page to his book, as a fat man, with bloated cheeks, in a long gown and big turban, and the words underneath: "Achmed, sive Tyrannus."

Spontaneous Generation. This reduction of known biological phenomena to simpler terms, the lessening of the gap between inorganic and organic chemistry, and the formulation of the doctrine of the conservation of energy, have all prepared the way for a fourth step, the establishment of the inevitable theory of generatio spontanea sive equivoca, the spontaneous generation of the living, that is to say, the gradual evolution of the living from the not living.