United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It will ease my sorrow, for my poor heart is breaking entirely, and he is there," pointing to the corpse, "and he knows that what I am afther telling you is thrue. "I came of poor but dacent parints. There was but the two of us, Pat C and I. My father rinted a good farm, and he sint Pat to school, and gave him the eddication of a jintleman.

He left Ding Dong, or whativer 'tis ye call it, an' says he, 'Thank Gawd, he says, 'I'm where no man can give me his idees iv how to r-run a quiltin' party, an' call it war, he says. An' so he sint a man down in a divin' shute, an' cut th' cables, so's Mack cudden't chat with him. Thin he prances up to th' Spanish forts, an' hands thim a few oranges.

Without pausing to consider this, Dirty Dan, taking the license of a more or less privileged character, queried impudently: "An' are ye glad they sint for ye to come back?" She decided that Mr. O'Leary was inclined to be familiar; so she merely looked at him and her cool glance chilled him. "Becuz if ye are," he continued, embarrassed, "ye have me to thank for it.

"Anne Dillon wouldn't have it known for the world, ye see, but I know that she sint a thousand o' thim to the polis in California; an' that's the way she kem across the lad. Whin he found his mother shtill mournin' him, he wrote to her that he had made his pile an' was comin' home. Anne has the pride in her, an' she wants all the world to believe he kem home of himself, d'ye see?

"Well, wan night, th' fellow was settin' down f'r a bite to eat with Lady O , an' Lady S , an' Lady G , an' Lady Y , an' other ladies that had lost their names, an' says wan iv thim, 'Cap, she says, 'ar-re ye goin' to Asthor's doin's tonight? she says. 'Not that I know iv, says th' Cap. 'He hasn't sint me anny wurrud that I'm wanted, he says. 'What differ does it make, says th' lady.

Orf'cers was scarce in thim days, fwhat with dysintry an' not takin' care av thimselves, an' we was sint out wid only wan orf'cer for the comp'ny; but he was a Man that had his feet beneath him, an' all his teeth in their sockuts." "Who was he?" I asked, "Captain O'Neil Old Crook Cruikna-bulleen him that I tould ye that tale av whin he was in Burma. Hah! He was a Man.

"Well, well, the dacint man sint his daughter Molly to have a convint schoolin'; an' she larned to pass th' butther in Frinch an' to paint all th' chiny dishes in th' cubb'rd, so that, whin Donahue come home wan night an' et his supper, he ate a green paint ha-arp along with his cabbage, an' they had to sind f'r Docthor Hinnissy f'r to pump th' a-art work out iv him. So they did.

"An' ye say Misther Appleton sint ye up to wor-rk in Moncrossen's camp?" The two were seated on the log bunk at the back of the sled while the Frenchman drove, keeping a fearful eye on the white wolf. For old man Frontenelle had been his uncle. "Yes, he told me to report here." "D'ye know Moncrossen?" "No." "Well, ye will, ag'in' shpring," Irish replied dryly. "What do you mean?" asked Bill.

Uni se atque eidem studio omnes dedere et arti; Verba dare ut caute possint, pugnare dolose, Blanditia certare, bonum simulare virum se, Insidias facere ut si hostes sint omnibus omnes-.

"'You're my sort; I reckon I know your flag. Out with it, and we'll pour liquor on it, I guess; for there ain't no foolin' you no, by thunder! You're just a daisy of a man, you are; so come along and let the nigger be. As for hurtin' of 'im why, so help me blazes, he's my pard, he is, and I love him like my own little brother what died of lead-poisonin' down Sint Louis way.